Hair color! Caramel?


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Mar 22, 2015

Shanae J.

Garnier Nutrisse has a line for darker hair colors, so that's what I'd use. Caramel would suit you for sure.

Mar 22, 2015

Shanae J.

I went lighter from darker using a blonde dye. I skipped the entire bleaching process, but of course, the dye contains lightening components, so since garnier nutrisse has a line for darker hair, yes, you could. I would strip just because the purple.

Mar 22, 2015

Shanae J.

Me too. Before I dyed it, I used Aussie 3 minute miracle moist overnight and my hair felt great. Then dyed it and it still doesn't really feel as damaged as it was before I did that mask over night.

Mar 22, 2015

patty s.

You can't dye dark colored hair light hair dye.

Mar 22, 2015

patty s.

Color oops still damages the hair.

Mar 22, 2015

Shanae J.

Color oops doesn't damage but it does leave some people with a weighed down feeling. Definitely doesn't damage though. Doing it overnight forces it to do nothing but trap in moisture for a lot longer. You can dye dark over light, Pretty shadows. Dying light over dark works because it's lightening your hair. Some don't recommend it but I've done it for years and it's so much less damaging than straight up bleach, idc what other people say because I know what works for me.

Mar 22, 2015

Shanae J.

Doing masks over night that is. ^

Mar 22, 2015

Shanae J.

You'll most likely get brass with any box dye. I assumed you already knew how to fix brassiness.

Mar 22, 2015

Kelly V.

Color will not lift color. I Google the garnier line and it looks like a hilift blonde series. it's not guaranteed to lift thru hair color. your best bet is to save a little more money and wait to get it done in a salon.

Mar 23, 2015

Shanae J.

I lightened my hair blonde with the cheapest box dye I saw lol. My hair is blonde now, no color cannot lift color but box dye can lighten color. That's what I said above. Definitely check out garnier nuttrise, it's great. I prefer doing my own hair rather than the salon because they completely screwed up my hair and I had to fix it myself, when they tried to fix it, it was still complete crap. I trust myself over anyone else and I'm definitely never going to a salon again. So maybe color oops and then you can decide whether you want to bleach or not, you don't have to, there are alternatives, like I mentioned, but some people just don't agree with them. I didn't but I do now because it works. For brassiness, loreal has a brass banisher in a box in the box dye section, or you can buy a toner.

Mar 23, 2015

Kelly V.

Box dye is color. box dye (color) may lighten pervious ly dyed hair but it is not guaranteed. depending on how old the dye on your hair is, what type of dye it is, and the condition of your hair. box dye is also not guaranteed to lift evenly. chances are, if it does work, you will end up with bands of different colors in your hair and a terrible brassy tint. also more damage is likely then with bleach since box dye (color) is full of harsh ingredients such as salts and metallic dyes. I'm only going off of years of experience of knowing my color theory and fixing box dye jobs.

Mar 23, 2015

Shanae J.

Kelly is correct as well. But you're going caramel, so you should be fine, evenly distribute the color like your did before with your eggplant color and you'll be fine, if any brassiness occurs, I told you a couple ways to fix it, you could Google more as well