Great bag, not a great price...


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Jun 2, 2015

Sam B.

I found this messenger bag that I really like and want for school because it's the perfect size and goes very well with my style but it's 74.95$ and online (I hate ordering online). Does anyone know where I can get one similar that's
cheaper? I'm in Canada if that helps!

Thanks :)

Jun 2, 2015

Shanae J.

Is there a kohls in Canada? I got a bad that looks just like that, only a beige color and it was only $20.

We don't have a Kohls. But I think you should definitely go look around as I've seen a lot of similar ones in stores like h&m, Claire's and icing

Jun 2, 2015

Sam B.

Thank you both! I'll look around.

Jun 2, 2015

Shreya S.

target too