Foundation looks pink


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Jun 4, 2015

Kirsty B.

My foundation looks pink I don't know if it's the powder I use because I've noticed that does make it a lot pink, yes I have washed my brush I use the super stay 24 hour by maybeline and its in the colour sand beige and I do have a bit of red on my face? Thanks in advance.

Jun 4, 2015

Shreya S.

It could be the undertone of the foundation. you could try using the foundation without the powder & seeing how that looks by itself, and then add the powder later to compare.

I used to use that foundation when I first started wearing makeup and I found that that foundation looked very pink on my skin as well. The foundation just had a strong pink undertone so I would (and did) switch to something else.

Jun 4, 2015

Alicia C.

I haven't personally tried this foundation out, but it is most definitely is the undertone of the product; I would suggest switching to a foundation that has more neutral to yellow undertones (depending on which matches you), if Maybelline does not have a color selection available that suits you correctly. If you would like to continue using this item however (since you could like everything about it except for the exact colour shade), try mixing it with another foundation to change the color of it to suit your undertone :)