Opinions On Birth Control For Acne??


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Jun 12, 2015

Gaby P.

I've been suffering from severe acne for three years. I'm only 14 so it's really crushed my self confidence. My doctor prescribed birth control. I was wondering what are your past experiences with birth control. If worked or not.

Jun 12, 2015

Michelle S.

For me, birth control worked amazingly. It varies, though. Sometimes you may have to try a few different ones to get the best match. When I first started taking it, I experienced terrible nausea, but stuck it out. It went away after a month or so. It took about a year me for to really see a difference in my skin. Any other questions, I'd be happy to answer :)

Jun 12, 2015

Erica H.

I was prescribed the same thing and my acne was pretty mild. I've noticed a huge difference in my skin (it took about 9 months to see) and there's other benefits as well like you get to know exactly when to expect your period and cramps and other types of pms are reduced

Jun 12, 2015

Erica H.

So basically I really recommend it if it's an option.

Jun 12, 2015

Nicole B.

I would highly recommend it for acne. another added, very important benefit is that it reduces your risk of ovarian cancer!

It worked for me! It really is trial and error depending on everyone's hormones. I started taking mine before I became sexually active, and It was actually because my cramps were excruciating so I needed a full control of my period (now I know when it is so I take Advil once an hour for the entire day before) it has definitely aided my skin, as well as made me lose weight. Some people gain weight, or gain boobs haha it really just depends on how your body and your hormones react.

You can also talk about all the different birth control options with your doctor. There's so many awesome ones out there with their own benefits :)

Jun 12, 2015

patty s.

I took the them but not for acne. It did help with my acne. I did gained weight. I regret taking them because one of the side effects are varicose veins, which I have now. Also it increases breast cancer risk if you have a family history.

Jun 12, 2015

Gabby M.

I've been using birth control for my acne for over 4 years and it has done wonders. My skin isn't completely clear but I'm only 18 & it has improved drastically. I've been on maybe 4 different types of birth control - you might have to switch if the type doesn't work or if you have a reaction to it. I would suggest you try it out for at least 3-4 months to be able to see results.

Jun 12, 2015

Stephanie G.

When it come to medical things, I'd take advice from your doctor over people on the internet.

Jun 12, 2015

Gaby P.

I get a mix of pimples, from white heads to cysts

Jun 12, 2015

Sabrina T.

I've heard good things. Such as it works for acne. But I have also heard you have health risks. It messes with your weight and side effects can vary.

Jun 12, 2015

Alyx T.

Definitely go to a doctor first and talk to them. I started birth control at 12 due to heavy periods (I literally couldn't get out of bed) and it cleared up my acne within a few months. I never had a lot of acne, but I rarely get any now. Only during that time of the month or if I'm really stressed.
I never got side effects or anything.
But if you go to your doctor, I'd suggest going on "Lolo" I know it's a weird name but it's the lowest dose in birth controls, so it'd be very gentle on the side effects.

Jun 12, 2015

Justine S.

I would personally suggest sticking to a low dose pill because those will have the least side effects. I have been on every type possible and the pill is the best to control acne (I broke out with terrible acne with other methods because they're just progesterone and don't have estrogen in them). Please don't get the shot, patch or implant if you're just wanting to control your acne. The shot can make you gain extreme amounts of weight and will mess up your period causing more problems then worth it. The implant will also mess up your period. Both the shot and the implant can lead to ovarian cysts and fibroids, both of with I'm currently experiencing because of being on them. The can also give you more painful periods and irregular periods. So if you're going to do it just stay on the pill. there are multiple pills out there and one will suit you best. they can also help regulate your period but please for the sake of your body and your uterus stay away from the shot and the implant. I wish someone would have told me that before I opted for them (my current gynocologist warns against those two methods) also do your research too.

Jun 12, 2015

Justine S.

Also when on birth control you'll get cravings for things that can make you break out worse then when you weren't on it because of the added hormones. and most doctors will prescribe three months at a time to see how your body adjusts to it. You will experience nausea but that's normal so just take it at night and eventually your body will adjust to it. But it can cause your face to be more sensitive to light so make sure you're wearing sunscreen outside. also make sure your family doesn't have a history of blood clots and if your taking other medication it won't interact.

Jun 12, 2015

Brittney O.

It really works I used to have acne then I got on it and it stopped and I haven't even been on it for a year more like 11 months.

Jun 12, 2015

Ariel S.

Works wonders I had really bad acne in grade 7 and I first I tried a creme from the doctor that wired alittle but when I took the birth control omg my skin was clean in a week, an eventually you'll have to take birth control anyway.

Jun 12, 2015

Elizabeth A.

The first prescription I had made my acne 10x worse, so I spent the extra $ to see a derm. He had me switch to a different brand and I cleared up in a couple months, just see what works for you!

Jun 12, 2015

Kat O.

It works really well for a lot of people! I've been on the pill for like 8 years and never have had bad skin, but I know some people whose skin really cleared up from it. The pill might increase your appetite which could make you gain weight, but the pill usually doesn't just make you gain weight on its own. Just eat right and exercise (which you should do anyway!) and you shouldn't have any problems in that area.

Jun 12, 2015

Jamie D.

Like the ladies said, whether it works or not is really just going to depend on your hormones and the type of birth control you're prescribed. It may work, it may not. If your doctor thinks it's a good option, I would definitely listen to them. They know what they're doing more than people on the Internet do. As for side affects, all medications have possible ones, and while you may experience some, you may also experience none at all. Again, that will depend on the type of birth control and how it reacts with your body. If you're worried about it, or still have questions about birth control's effectiveness, I suggest you ask your doctor about it because everyone's going to have different experiences. A medical professional who is more familiar with you and your specific situation is the best person to decide whether birth control is good or not for you, but if for some reason you don't want to go on birth control then they can also help you explore other options.

Jun 14, 2015

Jocelyn S.

Birth control worked for me! I like the patch.