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Jun 10, 2015

Justine S.

So I've been thinking about going to beauty school recently but the options are very slim here. The nearest Paul Mitchell is 45-60 min away and I don't want to drive that every day and we only have one car. the problem with the school here is they're so outdated. One of the schools I visited was so old looking it was amazing they had any customers at all. plus there were no students anywhere I could see. I don't expect much from the other option. so my problem is I can't seem myself committing over 15,000 grand for something like that if it's not high quality education.

Jun 10, 2015

Erin M.

Where are you located at? What's the amount that you want to spend? How long do you want to spend at school?

Jun 10, 2015

Erin L.

Do they have a website? Maybe you can try to contact a student who graduated from there and ask them there experience

Jun 10, 2015

Kailey L.

Is dorming an option for you? I don't know if this is true of all Paul Mitchell schools, but the one here offers dorms to it's students, it's a shared space with a neighboring university.

Jun 10, 2015

Charlese C.

Where are you from? you may be able to do an apprenticeship.

Jun 10, 2015

Justine S.

I live in Tennessee right now.

Jun 10, 2015

Charlese C.

I'll look up the rules for you to see if you can do an apprenticeship.

Jun 10, 2015

Charlese C.

I looked it up n you have to go to a beauty school.

Jun 10, 2015

Charlese C.

I would go in and talk to the schools and see how you feel after talking to them just because the building is old doesn't mean it isn't a good school secondly beauty school is meant to teach you the basics and what you need to know to be proficient in the career its up to you to expand your knowledge... plus a lot of schools will have extra classes and what not to teach you different things... I was fortunate enough to go to a great school that had tons of extra classes and awesome instructors but it was still up to me to further my knowledge... a great way to Go is to go to lots of classes at your local beauty supply stores and go to beauty shows and go to online seminars to learn more... plus's 15,000 isn't that bad compared to many other schools... but if you truly want to have a career in the beauty industry go for it... you will find ways to learn everything you want to... keep in mind a lot of stylist would love to help upcoming stylists out so if you start going to school you can always go into local salons to ask questions... as well as any accredited cosmetology school has to be proficient in teaching all required areas...

Jun 10, 2015

Charlese C.

Sorry for it be being so long

Jun 11, 2015

Lara R.

I drive everyday between 60 and 90 min everyday to school. Trust me, if that's what you want to study, you will get used to it :) it's a little price for achieving your dreams.

Jun 12, 2015

Justine S.

@Kailey, no dorming isn't an option for me. I just got married so we have an apartment and things I have to take care of like that so leaving my husband to live somewhere doesn't work. @Erin, I'm in Tennessee and money really isn't the problem, I know you have to spend more for a quality education but I can't commit to spending tons of money of I'm not getting one. @ Erin L I found them through their website and it's pretty outdated too. @Charlese thank you for looking it up the apprenticeship thing. I've went in and talked to both schools and I don't feel comfortable with the education I would be getting from them as I'm concerned that their standards aren't up to par and nor are their facilities. I'm not picky about a lot of things but this is one of them. If I did attend a beauty school I want to know that I'm getting a quality education and that I'm able to pass the state test. I have no doubt in my abilities but I have doubt in the school teaching me everything I'd need to know to pass the test. one of the indicators that the first schools wasn't up to par was the fact that the lady I spoke to told me that cosmo students don't learn glee to use clippers at all. now I know that I roundhouse be using them as much as a barber but I know that you need at least basic knowledge and understanding of them for the state test. at least in California you do. and 15,000 isn't a lot I know because I had planned to spend more for school back in California but we just got married and bought a car and there's only one of us working so it is sorta a lot if it's not the greatest of education. @ Lara, the only reason I'm not willing to drive an hour away five days a week is because we have one car. my husband is in the army and they have to be at work at 6 every morning and are there till five. it would be fine if we had another car but dive since we don't he'd have no way to work or any where else because sometimes they have to travel to different places.

thank you all for your advice but I've decided to put of beauty school because I realized I like doing hair and I enjoy it as a hobby but I don't want to go to school for it and I don't want to make a career of it and after talking to my husband I have realized this. as of right now I'm going to be applying to another school that fits in with our schedule and my dreams.

Jun 12, 2015

Charlese C.

Whatever is best for you :) you will find your path... maybe its not beauty but you'll find it