Help me please 😩


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Jun 16, 2015

Kayla C.

It's Summer time and I get this really irritating heat rash all over my chest and neck and close to my ears. Does anyone know of a cream that's not to oily?

Jun 16, 2015

Shauna S.

Use Aloe Vera on it! Also, I'm not trying to promote my products or anything but I sell this online brand called Modere and they make a soothing lotion and it's absolutely amazingggggg on rashes or sunburns.

Jun 16, 2015

Sadie G.

Have you talked to your doctor or dermatologist about it? They might be able to help!

Jun 16, 2015

Vickie P.

Try cortizone. That's what I use when I break out in a rash in the summer. Also check with a doctor too.

Jun 16, 2015

Angela J.

Since I started putting powder on after showering in summer, I never get rashes anymore. Maybe you could try that:) I use whatever is cheap usually just like, Shower to Shower and use a big fluffy brush to apply under and between my books, the crease where my thigh meets my ummm...area, behind my knees and elbows and lower back even sometimes. I guess I may just dump it all over this year seeing how many places I'm actually applying it anyways lol!

Jun 16, 2015

Angela J.

*boobs. Lmao

Jun 16, 2015

Teodora R.

Thats a good idea Angela! Does it minimize the sweating too? I hate when I'm sweating under boobs when its hot,and always find myself putting a spray antiperspirant there even tho I know is harmful because of all the aluminum.

Jun 16, 2015

Kayla C.

All I ideas sound pretty good lol. Thanks everyone

Jun 17, 2015

Allison W.

Powder works! I use cornstarch because I've read that talc isn't good for you. Too bad because shower to shower is fabulous!