Any College students?


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Jun 13, 2015

Nikkie N.

Alumni, Current or Incoming...

What are your top 3 go to, websites when shopping for clothes online?💄👠👗

Do you consider yourself one that has a budget?

And how much is "too much" make up to class?

Jun 13, 2015

Stephanie G.

I graduated last year. I'd say natural looking makeup is the way to go. People really don't put effort into their appearance in college.

Jun 13, 2015

Hannah K.

What's nice about college is that no one at all cares about what you wear. No one will judge you for how much makeup you wear, I like to wear bright colors, dark lipstick, falsies, you name it. There's a girl on my campus who wears a plastic tiara every day and no one bats an eye. I wouldn't worry about that, just make sure you're happy with yourself.

I do not have a budget, many people do, there's nothing wrong with that.

Online I shop at, and I like all of those websites very much.

Jun 13, 2015

Taylor G.

I'll be a senior next semester and I agree with Hannah. Literally everyone has their own thing going on and everyone just goes with it. I wear a full face (minus like contouring and all that) almost every day, false lashes and all that good stuff. There are a lot of girls who do the same and a lot that wear no makeup and sweatpants everyday.
I don't set a budget for myself, I just kind of go with it paycheck to paycheck and if I have money to buy myself something I really want, I buy it. If not, I just wait until I get paid again:)
Favorite clothing stores: Urban Outfitters, Forever 21( and the stores like it, Charlotte Russe, etc.), Hot Topic, Vanity, I'm pretty basic when it comes to clothing stores lol whatever is in the mall.

Jun 13, 2015

Michelle S.

I'll be finishing next semester and I agree with the girls above. I wear whatever I feel like wearing. Some days it's sweats and other days I like to get all dolled up. I try to budget myself. When I have extra cash, I tend to go a bit crazy. My wardrobe is a mixture of higher end and more affordable options. I love shopping at Charming Charlie, Express, Forever 21, and small boutiques. But, I'll shop anywhere. Just have fun with it :)

Jun 13, 2015

Emily W.

It depends on your school as to the style that will be appropriate.

When I was at University of California Davis, few students wore makeup but those that did wore what they wanted. I wore bright eyeshadow and got compliments, or I wore nothing and blended in with the crowd. As for clothing, most people wore University clothing. All the time. Or a combo or UCD and Greek clothes. It always felt kind of cultish, to be honest. I just wore my clothes from high school on days I had class (dark jeans and plain tees, cardigans) plus bike gear. On days when I was working, I work my work stuff to class. I didn't buy new clothes for college. Other people wore anything from pyjamas (lazy and disrespectful, please don't do this) to business casual. For archaeology field school, I bought clothes at Goodwill because I knew they'd be trashed during excavations.

At my current university, which is geared toward working professionals, there is a dress code. At least business casual appearance is expected any time we are on campus. I wear slacks and blouses, flats, and minimal makeup as is expected of a professional in my field (management). Unlike a public university, if someone shows up on campus with drag makeup or pyjamas on, they are denied entry.

My advice is to keep the casual clothes you already have, and spend your money building a professional wardrobe you will need to get a job during/after college. So many of my classmates at UCD had (and have) no idea how to dress for an interview or a professional job now that they are out in the real world and they are really struggling. If you start building that section of your wardrobe now (while mom and dad are maybe still paying for your clothes?) you're off to a way better start than most of your graduating class.

Jun 13, 2015

Jasmine S.

Even though it is college I still like to look nice. Some people literally look like they roll right out of bed and come to class & I just can't do that.
I shop on cheap sites like Choies, SheInside, Forever 21, & also thrift shop. You can also still shop at the mall & other places just make sure it's when there's a sale & coupons ðŸ˜Œ

Jun 13, 2015

Lela B.

I'm going to be a senior this next semester also. some days I wear full makeup, and some days I wear nothing. I'm a studio art major, and I work with messy clay and ink all day, so I often wear yoga pants or jeans, with t-shirts. my college is very casual, and yoga and sporty clothes are very common. rarely do you see anyone in fancier clothes than maybe a sundress. even the professors are mostly in jeans and t-shirts.
basically, wear what makes you feel comfortable, and what is appropriate for your major. I would look ridiculous if I wore business casual attire into the ceramics or printmaking lab, and I would ruin them.
I shop mostly on targets website, pacsun and Zulily.
I definitely try to budget, but I also work two jobs, so I don't have too budget as much as I used to.

Jun 13, 2015

Shelley W.

I'm in graduate school and its a mixed scene. Some folks are super casual and some are on the flashy side with everything. Myself personally the only time I dress up is when I need to meet with my graduate advisor or making a major presentation. Hair and makeup...personal choice...some don't even bother with either and they aren't frowned upon. As far as clothing...I like shopping at Nordstrom, Madewell and Gap.