Giant Pimple Help


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Jun 7, 2015

Amy H.

I had this pimple for a few days and I assumed it was just a normal one and today when I woke up I could feel it throbbing and it felt really tight. I looked in the mirror and it's actually two small pimples making one giant one. Now I can just see two white heads but I tried squeezing it and nothing came out (I always get the pus out of white heads and never had a problem with scarring or anything else) does anyone have any tips on how to get rid of the soreness faster? I'm not to worried about the pimple it's just sore as. also would using diluted tea tree oil or crystaside be better to help get rid of it?

Jun 7, 2015

Amy H.

Thank you! I'm not sure what type of pimple it is because I hardly ever get them this bad. I didn't wash my face for a couple of days while camping and now I'm paying the price for it haha. I don't think I'll use a needle, I'll just wait it out. Thanks for the long response :)

Jun 7, 2015

Amy P.

I always use a (clean!) needle to pop my pimples with white heads. After, I roll my needle over the spot to get the excess puss out. Then I clean the needle with alcohol again.

Jun 7, 2015

Amy P.

Like Megan said!
Ooh and it doesn't hurt at all, it feels like a relief

You could get a spot treatment from the drugstore too
And ice would help with swelling

Jun 8, 2015

Lisa S.

Break open a liquid advil gel capsule and apply it to the pimple, put some neosporin on too, and cover it with a band aid. It should (always helps me) bring down the inflammation and make it look smaller. I don't recommend popping it since you say its so big, if you do then wait for the swelling to go down. Also use a good acne cleanser and I personally wouldn't try to exfoliate. And use a spot treatment too...

Jun 8, 2015

Lisa S.

Also, since its so sore I would not try to use a tree tea oil until it gets smaller because it will probably just burn and make it feel worse.

Jun 8, 2015

Raluca R.

Also, if you wet your pimple a little and then put baking soda on it (it should stay like that all night so make sure to put enough baking soda and to leave it there) it should make the pimples smaller.

Jun 8, 2015

Shanae J.

I agree with Lisa..

Jun 8, 2015

Lisa S.

The baking soda thing works and I used to do that but I recommend not doing that. Baking soda is really bad to use for your skin because it has different ph levels than skin, not horrible to do every once in a while but long term use will damage your skin over time.

Jun 8, 2015

Rachel W.

Putting Carmex on it overnight makes big pimples like that literally disappear back into your skin. Crazy, but it works