Recommended scrub face washes.


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Jun 8, 2015

Emily P.

Shopping tomorrow for new skin products so if you have a favourite face wash or scrub or anything really, drop it below :) thanks.

Jun 8, 2015

Shreya S.

Orgins is a really good brand! depending on your skin type, you can find whatever you need!

Is there anything specific you were looking for? What is your skin type and if you have any skin condition? (Excessive oils, acne, blackheads etc )

Jun 8, 2015

Emily P.

I have really sensitive skin and blackheads aha

For black heads: A black head is an open comedo with debris covering it, and the most important thing to remember is that unlike a pimple you cannot just shrink them, you have to extract from the inside out. Blackheads can emerge if moisturizers, sun screens, make up, or foundations are overused and irritate the skin, so sometimes they are not preventable but you can definitely help your skin clear our sebum to avoid the clogging of pores. Be consistent with your skin care routine, and try your best to incorporate salicylic acid into your face washing regimen. Also known as beta hydroxy acid, salicylic acid dives deep into the pores to break up any mischief that the cells and oil can cause. It’s oil soluble, which means that it can easily blend in with other oils like skin’s sebum, making for easy access into the pores. Once inside, salicylic acid begins to separate the oil and dead skin cells, essentially unclogging the pore, this solves the problem from the inside out as sometimes simply extracting will just cause the black head to return.

Nose strips remove newer and looser black heads, but not all of them will come out if they are larger or more stuck in their place, this is a good place to start and minimize the appearance of black heads but ultimately will not get rid of them. You can also extract black heads, though not recommended to do often there are specific tools meant for this and you must be sure to research properly. The best ones to extract yourself are the more stubborn ones, they will come back but they will come back softer and easier to ultimately get rid of. You should also be exfoliating regularly to avoid any build up on your skin if you are prone to clogging of the pores.
Since you have sensitive skin you do not want to use too many active products at once, if I had to pick one active product (a product with a large active ingredient) it would probably be face cream, serum or toner as they actually stay on your skin. I really recommend anything by murad, they've got products for all different skin types and you can mix and match to set up a routine that's best for you.

Jun 8, 2015

Emily P.

Thank you!!

Jun 8, 2015

Ashleigh S.

What I use for my face scrub is cliques face bar soap. I've used it for years. All you have to do is wash your face every night and it will prevent acne. I wear makeup and have oily skin everyday. Once I rinse my makeup off, then use the bar soap my skin feels so clean and fresh. This really works!

Jun 8, 2015

Bella R.


Jun 8, 2015

Crystal D.

If you have dry skin, girlllllll omg. You need to get the garnier clean + nourishing cleansing oil for dry skin. HOLY GRAIL. It has jojoba and macadamia oil so it literally leaves your skin feeling so soft and hydrated and it gives you such a nice glow. It's also a makeup remover! I love this stuff. You put it on your face when it's dry and then rinse it off. Definitely worth looking into.

If your skin is not so dry I recommend the AcneFree facial cleanser. It's the one I'm using now. It's supposed to be a dupe for the ProActive facial wash (which I have tried, don't get it. It's great when you use it, but god forbid you forget to wash your face for ONE night, your face will be so irritated the next day). I love it because it works so fast. I got the set so it also comes with a toner that contains witch hazel (which is why I say that if you have dry skin, it's not for you because witch hazel can be pretty drying. It's supposed to help in drying out your pimples.) and a cream to put on after toning.

If you're looking for a good toner btw I'm really loving the Mario Badescu rose water toner. I've seen Jaclyn Hill rave about it in her videos and I went out to try it and I have to say, I love it. Leaves your skin feeling so refreshed.

Hope I helped! xx

Jun 10, 2015

Christa F.

It's kind of pricey but the NUDE Skincare Fizzy Detox Powder is a life saver! It gently exfoliates your skin (I do it about once a week) all with a water activated powder. It makes my skin feel like heaven and smells like the original Cheerios. Follow up with a moisturizer for soft healthy skin!