Cosmetology school..?? Questions!


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Jun 10, 2015

Sami A.

So I really want to go to cosmetology school. My friend told me that if you go to college/university, you can't just go for one thing. Is that true? Also, is there any requirements? I know it depends on the school but I'm just curious.

Jun 10, 2015

megan l.

I went to cosmetology school. do your research. make sure you know what your getting into. They only teach you the basics. you need to be willing to learn on your own and improve your skills. don't expect to be a pro when you get out. Although I am glad everything I learned and liked the experience I do not do hair or makeup as a proffesion. its definitely not for eveyone. its. A great skill to have. I just wish someone would have gave me the lay down before I jumped in. But if you truly are passionate I say do it :)

Jun 10, 2015

megan l.

I still am obsessed with hair and all things makeup... but just basically for myself and not doing it on others unless close friends or family!

Jun 10, 2015

Tessandra R.

For colleges/universities, they have several different areas of study/professions for you. You major in one of them, while usually taking basic required classes, like in high school (Math, English, etc). You can take classes outside your profession as well though. And with Cosmetology School, which is a technical college, is different from a university because tech colleges only focus on one specific profession, and normally are shorter in length than at a university. For Universities, they normally go for about 4-8 years. A tech college only goes for about 2-3. Normally Cosmetology Schools require a high school diploma and that's it. If they're a high end college, then they might require certain classes to be taken or such. Not likely though. Some don't even require a diploma, it really depends on the school you go to Dear. I hope I helped, and if you have any other questions about it I'll try to answer the best I can. :)

Jun 10, 2015

Sami A.

So you HAVE to take other classes? Like basic english, math atc.

Jun 10, 2015

megan l.

Cosmetology school you don't take English.... and math and stuff like that. They have there own courses on hair... chemicals... nails. etc.

Jun 10, 2015

Sami A.

Okay! Because I was talking to my friend and they told me the opposite and I'm like mm.😳 okay?!

Jun 10, 2015

Sami A.

Thank you guys for clearing this up!

Jun 10, 2015

Tessandra R.

Ya no, you don't have to in cosmetology schools, only in universities and such :) Glad to help Love!