Gel liner tips!


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Jun 25, 2015

Abby S.

So I got my ABH gel liner a couple weeks ago and it's already not as creamy and "gel" like. Any tips on how to keep it from drying out so fast? Never had this problem with my dip brow :(

Jun 25, 2015

Bri-bri L.

Gossmakeup artist says to microwave for few second bursts. Try looking up the video on YouTube

Jun 25, 2015

Lara R.

Inglot has a liquid for that called Duraline. On the other hand, I've heard that using a coulple of drops of contact lenses solution may help, but I've never tried it.

That's disappointing :( I hate using duraline because I do find it changes the consistency of my liners. Be sure you're storing it in a room temp-Warmer area no where too cold. I store mine on the top of my vanity so that the sun hits sometimes 😉 definitely try microwaving it for about five seconds! It should last you for a few uses each time you microwave.

Jun 26, 2015

Charlese C.

Add a little bit of contact solution start off with one drop then mix in and if its still not right add a little more

Jun 26, 2015

Aurora S.

I've heard microwaving it and adding a tad of your primer (the silicone based ones)
Because most the gel formulas are silicone based