Really dry hands?


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Jun 29, 2015

Lily B.

I use Gold Bond on my hands in the winter. Some of their products are really rich!! Also the Working Hands products will work wonders!

Jun 29, 2015

Roz X.

I feel your pain. I used to get Psoriasis on my hands. I use Aquaphor and all cotton spa gloves. Eucerin is also excellent. I also apply Jojoba oil to my hands after showering. If you get payches, I'd revisit the derm. You can get cortisone cream over the counter for patches if need be.

Jun 29, 2015

Roz X.


Jun 30, 2015

Lexi P.

Honey and backing soda mix and put in a bowl soak for 10 mins that take a pair of gloves like the kind you see at the doctor put lotion in them and go to sleep with them on amazing what that will do

Jun 30, 2015

katie s.

I don't have dermatitis, but my hands do get really dry. You can use an oil or even a lotion/body butter. I like the bath and body works hand butters (or whatever they're called; they come in a smaller tube than the lotions) They smell great and are really moisturizing. I have also tried the Mary Kay silk hands 3 step "system" First, you apply the primer. Secondly, you exfoliate them with the exfoliater. And lastly, you use the silk hand cream. I wouldn't do it too often, but maybe once or twice a week. I think it's only about $30 and it comes in unscented or peach.

Jun 30, 2015

Raneen R.

I know the feeling, right now my dad's been telling me that I have Psoriasis (he's a doctor, but I haven't actually gone to a dermatologist) on my arm and I was using Eucerin but I hated it and it did nothing for me, so I began using this. Also for my general hands being dry because I live in New York I've used helping hands by lush and it's amazing.

Jun 30, 2015

Raneen R.

This works like magic for my arm.

Jun 30, 2015

Amy H.

My dad swears by that nutrogena hand cream. he's always buying it and it's really good!

Jun 30, 2015

Sarah N.

Do you know what kind of dermatitis it is? I have dyshidrotic or aka pompholyx which starts as little 'tapioca' blisters that really burn and itch then they will crack & your skin is then extremely dry and painful as well. I finally got mine completely cleared up after a horrible outbreak that lasts 5 months instead of the usual few weeks. So depending on what kind of dermatitis you have I can definitely suggest some products for you. I spent hundreds of dollars on products for dry skin and 99% of them didn't work, so just keep in mind what may work for someone with dry skin, psoriasis or a different form of dermatitis may not be what's best for you