Warm, Cool, or Neutral?


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Jun 30, 2015

Shabreyea H.

I'm trying to figure out if I'm warm, cool, or neutral. I'm pretty sure I'm warm but I want to make sure. I have brown eyes and I heard that people with brown eyes are warm.

Jun 30, 2015

Shabreyea H.

I took a picture of my wrist with my veins showing. They look greenish to me. What do you guys think?

There are other ways to determine undertone if you're having a hard time determining it with the veins method (personally I think that's the hardest method to determine undertone).

If silver jewelry suits you best then you're cool toned and if gold jewelry suits you best then you're warm toned. If both suit you then you're neutral.

Tanning & Burning:
If you burn more than you tan then you're cool toned and if you tan more than you burn then you're warm toned. If you burn and tan about equally then you're neutral.

Cool = pink undertones and warm = yellow undertones

Jul 1, 2015

Tessandra R.

I would say you're warm toned, and Alexis is completely right if you want to be certain! :)

Jul 4, 2015

Laura G.

warm (: