Big bites invasion


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Jun 21, 2015

Lara R.

Apply Vick VapoRub and it should stop itching

Jun 21, 2015

Shanae J.

I would just use some itch cream... or aloe vera.

Jun 21, 2015

Madison C.

Bengay is the bomb!

Jun 21, 2015

Kattya M.

It also helps if you find something as hot as you cam stand like a metal spoon and put it on top of the bites, I don't remember exactly the explanation but it was like the heat stops the allergic reaction to the bug's chemicals and stops the itch. It worked for me when I traveled and my legs were destroyed by bugs.

Jun 21, 2015

Stephanie G.

Cortisone cream.

Jun 21, 2015

Shauna S.

I know everyone thinks I'm crazy when I tell them this but putting vodka on the bites works amazinggg and they won't itch.

Jun 21, 2015

Shanae J.

Lol my mom says the same thing. ^ Never tried it though. That stuff goes fast in this house. Haha!

Jun 21, 2015

Shauna S.

Hahaha the best part is you can have a drink while you use it.

Jun 22, 2015

Emily B.

You can also use baking soda and make it into a paste with water and let it sit on the bites. I do that for my daughter. She's under two and it works well.

Jun 22, 2015

Lara C.

I'm the type to scratch a lot. I use tea tree oil and within minutes the itch disappears and the bite is gone like a day later