Hairfall control, please advice remedies.


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Jun 21, 2015

Jessika A.

Can anybody help in giving tips in controlling hairfall the natural way.

Jun 21, 2015

Sadie G.

Do you mean hair fall out? Most of the time hair loss is from genetics, and you can't do much about it. If it's not genetics, has there been a change in your life style? Have you changed your diet? Is there a lot of stress in your life? Get down to the root of the problem, and change that, but other than that I personally do not know of any natural remedies for it.

Jun 21, 2015

Jhade P.

Another thing would be from stress. Also vitamins would would help with things like that. Coconut oil helps leaving it in. Don't use a lot of heat also. Hope this helps!:)

Jun 21, 2015

Joy M.

Make sure you don't brush your hair when it's wet! I did that for a long time and it made my hair fall out everywhere! :) :)

Jun 21, 2015

Amy H.

Following, I shed so much more than normal amounts of hair.

Jun 22, 2015

Roz X.

If you find yourself losing hair, examine the loss to determine if you are facing breakage or if you are shedding from the root. If the loss is excessive, a simple blood panel can determine if it is an Endocrine issue or deficiency. I'd invest in a wet brush, use minimum heat, trim and deep condition. Omega 3, D, Iron, K and A are an important part of a hair healthy diet.

Jun 22, 2015

Nicole B.

All of the above and lean protein.

Jun 22, 2015

Jessika A.

Thnx..that ws real good help..

Jun 23, 2015

Mariana E.

I second all of the above. However I would proceed carefully with vitamin intake without consulting your physician first. It is possible that a visit to the doctor and your dermatologist will give you the answers you are looking for. Hair and skin health, go hand in hand with nutrition habits, though.

Jun 23, 2015

Roz X.

Mariana..I boost vitamins via diet, not supplements, aside from what my doc recommends. I agree as supplements are serious biz.