My face is red /.\


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Jun 27, 2015

Mya M.

My cheeks and nose have been red lately and it's driving me nuts! Any facial remedies out there to get rid of or at least tone it down? Thanks ^.^

Jun 27, 2015

Shanae J.

Applying cool aloe vera gel will help. You could even freeze them in an ice tray so they're frozen. I usually just put my jar of it in the fridge and it works wonders.

Jun 27, 2015

Mya M.

Awesome thank you! Is it any special brand or could I use the kind for sun burns?

Jun 27, 2015

Shanae J.

As long as it's aloe vera gel, you're good! (:

Jun 27, 2015

Laura D.

Aloe Vera works great :) if it's still red you can also try to hide it under green concealer :)