Easy Winged Eyeliner Hack!


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Apr 15, 2015

Virginia G.

If you're like me then you know what a hassle it is to get your eyeliner to wing perfectly. So while doing my makeup one morning I thought why not search the Internet for some advice. Thats when I found the BEST winged liner hack EVER and the best part is its SUPER EASY. All you need is a spoon, yup thats right ladies a spoon!

Here are the steps:

1.) Place the spoons handle against the outside corner of your eye and line to the day desired length (using the handle as a guide to ensure the line is straight.) Repeat process on other eye.

2.) Take the end of the spoon that you'd eat with and flip it so the part that holds the food is in the back and line it up with the end of the line you drew in step 1.

Step 3.) While holding the spoon that position, take your liner and draw a line connecting from the top of the line you drew in step 1 to your lid. (Again using the spoon as a guide to achive the perfect swoop in the wing.) Repeat process on other eye.

Step 4.) Once desired winged look is achieved, fill in the wing with liner and line the rest of your lid as desired.

And there you have it ladies, you just created the perfect winged liner look with the spoon. if these directions confused you in any way don't worry I I have posted a picture of these steps below. I will also post the picture of my first time attempting this eyeliner look, I think you'd be surprised on just how easy it is.

Apr 15, 2015

Virginia G.

And as promised here is a photo of the first time I attempted this liner hack!

Apr 15, 2015

Virginia G.

To achieve this look I used Jordana Fabuliner Liquid Eyeliner in 01 black

Apr 15, 2015

Livi H.

Haha! Awesome! But knowing myself I would probably do worse on my wing liner using that method :(

Apr 15, 2015

gege f.


Apr 15, 2015

Adahli M.

Awesome virginia! I am so going to try this:p.