Please help! I have poison ivy/sumac or oak!


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Dec 31, 2012

Elizabeth G.

I have been cleaning my parents rental property [due to ridiculously lazy tenants] and I have this horrible rash that itches like nobodys business. All i know is it has to have some urushiol oil in whtever plant i came across, but gosh only knows with the amount of weeds and such I had to deal with. Needless to say I have scratched [ i tried my darndest not to] and it is making me crazy itchy. I am currently trying caladryl, camphophenique for the last couple of days and was wondering if you had any tips/tricks?! THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH!

Dec 31, 2012

Alicia N.

get rid of or wash in special detergent anything that came in contact with the rash.... otherwise you will just keep 'reinfecting' yourself 

Jan 1, 2013

Elizabeth G.

I made the mistake of shaving a few days ago....NEVER DO THAT! hahaha. Thanks for the tip! Everything is now in the wash!

Jan 1, 2013

Stephanie D.

It's probably a bit late, but the itchy stuff is the result of oil. Take some alcohol and go over where the rash is to make sure you take off and dissolve all that crap off your skin. Put some solarcaine on it to stop the itching in its tracks (it has a topical anesthetic in it) and then follow with some colloidal oatmeal cream (pretty sure aveeno makes some heavy duty stuff, but you should be able to find it in the first aid aisle from various brands) to try and heal the rash. 

Jan 1, 2013

Heather D.

Well. I'd see a doctor if its been awhile and no improvement. Thought I had poison ivy and it was shingles... 

Jan 3, 2013

Alyssa U.

Yes it is probably poison ivy or poison oak! My family is high allergic!!! I'm so sorry! Try to keep it clean and dry, wash all your clothes a few times! Do not let anyone else touch it, wear your clothes or sleep in your bed! Idk if you have bought Tecnu yet (I believe you can get it as a body wash and lotion), if not get it, Benadryl should help with the itching. As well as Caladryl is basically another calamine lotion! Those are the 2 products always kept at my parents house growing up! Good luck!

Jan 4, 2013

Elizabeth G.

I will DEFINITELY try and find some Tecnu-ive just been using caladryl and camphophenique. I have had this rash for about a week now and it is miserable. I have done all of the above and i guess maybe I am scratching in my sleep or something? idk bc it spread to both my knees now. I was in a benadryl coma [well it seemed like it] a few days ago. Do you have any other suggestions other than Tecnu? any tips? THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Jan 4, 2013

Vanessa A.

I would go to doc & get some steroid cream. That should clear it up quickly.