Just Starting To Experiment With Make Up .... Suggestions??


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Dec 31, 2012

Jenny S.

Hello all, I've never been a make up wearer but I'm looking to enhance my look and give it a shot. I'm like a kid at the candy store and don't know where to even begin! Any suggestions... Must haves?

Dec 31, 2012

Katie S.

For eyeshadow look up bh cosmetics or coastal scents they have really awesome palettes for really cheap that come with tonnes of shades! Hope this helps 

Dec 31, 2012

Stacey L.

Get a good foundation. Dont go all out yet on brands but dont settle for jut drug store. I think in my opinion a mac foundation is the best because they have the biggest range in color shades and that will help you identify your true color. Unlike drugstores only have like 8 different shades which is unrealstic that everyone will fall into those same shades. As for mascara and eyeliner you can do drugstore since they all will look black in the end no difference. Get a waterline eyeliner and liquid one. As for eyeshadows get a neutral palette because if you start off with crazy color I know it will be a shocker change for you so start gradually. As for blush and bronzer try the milani baked bronzer and blush those are beautiful!! Trust me on those ! 

Jan 2, 2013

Jenny S.

Thanks ladies ... I will be experimenting soon !! ;)