How to get your hair to hold dye??


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Jan 20, 2015

Kendra H.

I dyed my hair about a year ago to a bright red color but my hair wouldn't hold the dye and I ended up with it being very streaky. Luckily, within a few days it faded a bit and I went to a very nice star berry blonde color. I'd love to try and dye my hair again; something vibrant and colorful once summer gets here and before I go to college. However, I'm not sure how I could get my hair to hold the color. I really don't wanna end up with a catastrophe that doesn't turn out as nice as the last one hahaha
Any tips tricks or ideas?

Jan 20, 2015

Hannah B.

If you're dying it at home yourself, I like to say two-three day old hair is what you want because the dye will hold on better, if your hair is clean it will more than likely have streakies :)

Jan 20, 2015

Kendra H.

Thanks Hannah!
The box dye I used had said to dye on at least 1 day old hair and I had washed my hair that day. However my mom had told me it would be fine as she has washed her hair and then applied dye... Obviously that didn't work. I didn't even think that could have been my problem!

Jan 20, 2015

Carien G.

If your hair was really light before maybe you can use a filler

Jan 20, 2015

Hannah B.

It was more than likely the problem then :) just let your hair get a few days old and try again! I can't sleep, so I'm happy I could help! Haha.

Jan 20, 2015

Kaitlin M.

I personally find great success in using box dyes from the store. I think buying the semi permanent dye is the best option because although it says that it'll wash out with 27 washes, it stays in my hair for months. It also doesn't leave any roots because the entire head of hair fades all together. :) I always get the dark brown purply colors. They're gorgeous and in the sun, my hair usually is bright red. I got my hair highlighted in August but I'm kinda wanting to go back to the purply brown haha.

Jan 20, 2015

Shauna S.

I have the same problem. You're probably like me where your hair just has a hard time holding colour. I usually have to keep the hair dye in longer than what it says on the box to get my desired colour. I also heard that it really doesn't matter if your hair is dirty or clean. It might make a small difference but it's not going to make a HUGE difference. I like getting dyes that are darker than my desired colour so that when it fades it goes to the colour I want. Also you said you dyed your hair red which is one of the colours that fades the quickest. Before dying maybe try to strengthen your hair with some deep conditioning treatments so that the colour will absorb better. Also after you dye try washing your hair 2-3 times a week and use dry shampoo in between. I like dying my hair redish purple and it always fades quickly but then I like going to the salon about 5 weeks later and getting a toner put in to brighten up the colour. Also use colour treated shampoo and try not to apply much heat and if you like to straighten or curl your hair then use a heat protectant.

Jan 20, 2015

Kristine N.

Before I got my hair re dyed by a professional it stayed in for three years.

Jan 20, 2015

Leslie N.

I'm not very wise butttttt
1- could be the dye you used isn't very good.
2-it's not a myth. Color does stay better on hair that wasn't just washed. I would say three days though, maybe only one otherwise you'd just be getting color on the oils on your hair shaft.
3-could be how you took care of it.
4-could be too damaged to take the color
5-your hair is just picky.
Now I've dyed my hair bright red 4 times in the past 2 years. The first time I did it I came out of the first shower I took after doing it and legit cried my eyes out. It faded so quickly. I had to touch it up in a couple of weeks. Also including something a lot of people don't mention- sunlight fades it a ton as well. I was always outside under direct UV rays which added to it. Second time I dyed it, it took a couple of showers to notice the color getting duller. I still used my color protectant shampoos when I did wash my hair which I changed my schedule around to being only twice a week.
Third time was during the summer and I was swimming in chlorine all the time and being outside. I was also at camp and didn't use my special shampoo. It turned to a burgundy color and it honestly stayed that way for three months. Never faded any more than that even if I wanted it to. Now this time I did it a couple of weeks ago. The color hasn't changed. Still as vibrant as it was the first day. It now lasts months upon end with zero touch ups until I can't stand the look of my dark roots.

Sooo long story short I guess you could say my hair got used to it and took it better after a few times. It sounds so expensive but it really wasn't. Then again, it isn't my money ;) ahah.

This is the products I recommend. Shampoo and conditioner with red dye in it. A sulfate free shampoo that I put manic panic in myself for touch ups. An after color treatment that moisturizes and locks the color into the hair cuticle. And Loreal hi color is the dye I use. Cheap and wonderful. IS FOR DARK HAIR so don't have to listen to me on that lol I'm just showing you what I used. If you any questions lemme know!

Jan 20, 2015

Kendra H.

@Leslie N.

I know my hair isn't damaged because I'm heat free and I've only ever dyed once. It also wasn't how I took care if it since it dyes streaky; it luckily faded nicely so I wasn't stuck with lots of hats lol
Thank you for all the recommendations and your personal experience. :) very helpful!