HELP please: remedy for my eyelashes.


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Jan 20, 2015

Jackie B.

*does any one know of special or natural solutions to regrow my lashes thicker full looking and longer?

My story to what happened to me ):
The day for new years my cousin took me to go get fake lashes on and I thought I would love it but they look good but as they started to fall out I decided to take them off and I ended up ripping my natural lashes off :'(

Jan 20, 2015

Logan C.

They should grow back on their own. Of course you'll have to be patient. I don't know of any ways to make them grow quicker or longer that are actually true/safe. Good luck though! I'm interested to hear what people will say.

Jan 20, 2015

Mady M.

Aweee that sucks😕
I know that natural oils will help grow your eyelashes (and also eyebrows) strong and healthy. If you like making diys then you can clean out an old mascara tube or buy a cheap gel mascara because that would be a lot easier to clean out, and put in a mixture of different oils,you can use olive oil,vitamine oil,argan oil,etc. The oils will help grow + strengthen your lashes😊 good luck!

Jan 20, 2015

Shanae J.

I think there's actually a pill or something called Latisse that has been proven to work, but only for lashes, it won't help hair growth anywhere else but the lashes.

Jan 20, 2015

Jackie B.

Thank you for your support and keeping my hopes up and hope they grow back as they used to because I have a lot of gaps and they look so thin now😭

Jan 20, 2015

Mady M.

Oh and to apply it you would just do as you normally would with mascara,just make sure to use a light layer so it won't drip in your eyes:)

Jan 20, 2015

Shanae J.

Natural oils won't help your brows grow, it'll only help with lashes, after months and months of use, but after months and months, you might as well have done nothing because your lashes would probably already be back...

Jan 20, 2015

Jackie B.

Thanks a lot ill try anything to get them back.

Jan 20, 2015

Logan C.

Yea I've heard about Latisse Shanae but I heard it could change your eye color so I was nervous to try it because I like my eye color. But it's probably like 1% chance of that happening but I'm just paranoid lol.

Jan 20, 2015

Mady M.

Well its like taking care of your regular hair. You need to maintain it by giving it moister so your hair won't become weak. And also there are a lot of vids on youtube of people who have tried this and their brows and lashes were a lot fuller:)

Jan 20, 2015

Shanae J.

Lol Logan, I'd be scared myself, I didn't know about that. & Mady, my sister did the natural oil thing on her brows, she thought there was hair growth because she wanted there to be hair growth, when in fact there was none. I think it's called the placebo effect?

Jan 20, 2015

Logan C.

Yea I saw it on the commercial lol where they tell you all possible side effects real fast at the end

Jan 20, 2015

Mady M.

Yah,I doubt it works for all people, when I used it on my lashes it made them visibly fuller in a few weeks, but then again,its different for everyone.

Jan 20, 2015

Shanae J.

I've never seen the commercial lol. I just know this from a previous post. Haha.

Jan 20, 2015

Amy H.

Have a look for ela gale on YouTube I'm pretty sure she did a natural eyelAsh growth video.

Jan 20, 2015

Clarissa T.

Oh lord same thing happen to me girl I feel your pain I hated it my eyelashes came off I was crying lol but they eventually grew back I had used false lashes for a while till they grew back but I used the ones you apply yourself with glue

Jan 21, 2015

Kirin S.

Hi Jackie! I was in the same situation as you for awhile, and I found that applying coconut oil onto my lashes and a healthy diet made them grow back really fast and a lot thicker too.

Jan 22, 2015

Jackie B.

Omg thanks to you all for all your advice and support and getting me that relieve that they will grow back soon take care everyone and thanks for yall time (: