Help! Quick alternative to eye primer?


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Jan 22, 2015

Hannah-leisha M.

I've literally torn my house apart looking for my urban decay eye primer, but to no avail. I'm going out in 2 hours and I need something that'll work just as well. If it helps at all, I'll be wearing the vice 3 palette on my eyes. Please help, any suggestions are welcome!

Jan 22, 2015

Hannah K.

If you have a cream eyeshadow, those will work in a pinch. The lasting power isn't as excellent as a primer would be but they'll function similarly. That's why people always use the Mac Paint Pots or Maybelline Color Tattoos, they work similarly if you don't have a primer =)

Jan 22, 2015

Jenny A.

I have used a liquid concealer on lids as primer. It makes a smooth matte surface. Lasting power isn't fantastic, but if you are using good shadows you might make it work.

Jan 22, 2015

Hannah-leisha M.

Thanks you Hannah and Jenny :) Would a cream highlighter work by any chance? I have this one from elf.

Jan 23, 2015

Aru T.

O used yo use concealer...and it does the job :)

Jan 23, 2015

Aru T.


Jan 23, 2015

Hannah K.

I'm not sure about a cream highlighter, what you really want with a primer is something to create a barrier between your lids and your shadow so that the oils from your eyes don't break down your shadow and cause it to crease.

Jan 27, 2015

Sarah B.

I do not know anything that would replace eye primer. It's probably the one item I cannot substitute.