Ph balanced foundation??


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Jan 23, 2015

Maggie M.

I can't remember if it was Kitty.. or maybe Shelley a while back that mentioned a ph balanced foundation? Was it Paula's choice?? I'm testing a theory with serums and need a foundation with mild ingredients that is "good" for the skin. Coverage is not a priority!! Any help would be fantastic❤️

Jan 23, 2015

Shelley W.

PH balanced foundation. Hmmmm...always be skeptical of any brand claiming to be x,y and z. So many companies claim to have ph balanced properties in their products but they truly tell on themselves when you look at the ingredients. If you are eyeing foundation that doesn't contain a bunch of craziness I suggest looking at Gressa Skin Minimalist Corrective Serum Foundation. The coverage is beautiful and is gentle on acne prone skin. If you're curious about knowing the ph of a particular product I suggest picking up ph testing strips. A good range is 4.5/5.5. Don't quote me on it. I would check various sources to confirm if that is indeed the range.

Jan 23, 2015

Maggie M.

Thanks Shelley!