Hair Colour Help


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Jan 20, 2015

Mary P.

Hey everyone I have light/dark blue hair and I want to dye it purple, I would prefer dark purple, but I'm flexible. I was just wondering how I would go from blue to purple, cause I heard that blue is hard to get rid of.

Jan 20, 2015

Mary P.

This is my hair now.

Jan 21, 2015

patty s.

I had blue hair over the summer, now my hair is gray. I use anti dandruff shampoo every other day and a deep conditioner mask because the shampoo dried my hair. My blue hair turned green. I used coconut oil for a week and then I used a color remover in my case I had to use a toner to get it gray. I think after you remove the color you might need to use bleach with 20 vol peroxide. I recommend ion brights they are long lasting.