How would you do this?


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Jan 18, 2015

Chelsea N.

Two questions: one relevant to makeup, one relevant to hair. I put in the makeup category and I hope that's okay!

Question 1: If any of you are experienced BB creams, I would love to know how you apply it! I'm looking into using BB creams on days that I have class or late work shifts so it's a lighter feel to my face! How do you apply so that you get greater coverage and staying power?

Question 2: With curling hair using a barrel/wand (not clamping hair) do you do all curls facing the same way or do them alternating? Which do you think looks the best?

Jan 18, 2015

ramie x.

Alternating makes them more natural looking but I make sure that the ones directly in front of my face are away from my face, I find it more flattering.

Jan 18, 2015

Hannah K.

Unfortunately I'm not a BB cream kinda gal, so I can't help with that, but I do use a curling wand often. I think it depends upon what style you're trying to go for. Curling in the same direction could lend itself to a smoother, more 50s type of look; all of the curls will blend into one, basically. I prefer to do it randomly, not necessarily alternating but not all the same direction, either. I find that this works best for me to end up with some big, voluminous but still cohesive curls. If anything, I try to forget which way I curled the previous pieces as I go, does that make sense?

I'd also like to point out that threads that address topics in multiple sections are best off in the Beauty section; it serves as kind of a catchall for miscellaneous or multiple questions :)

Jan 18, 2015

Raylene I.

Bb cream I squirt in my hand and smush it all over my face like a lotion, and when curing my hair I do each curl in opposite direction alternating right curls with left curls. To me it looks better and your curls stay seperate, when you curl them all innthe same direction I find my hair just falls into one big curl.

Jan 18, 2015

Chelsea N.

Thank you so much ladies :) and Hannah, I will be sure to keep that in mind if I post again! :)

Jan 18, 2015

Rissa G.

1. I usually apply with my Sonia Kashuk No. 4 brush or my hands.

2. I part my hair in two sections, and curl each away from my face.

Jan 18, 2015

Eva H.

I've been using BB creams for years. are you using an Asian one or a western brand? the reason why I ask is because the Asian ones (especially ones from Korea) are better applied with your fingers because they are thicker; the oils from your hands help to make the bb cream oxidize so that it matches your skin tone. Now I personally don't like bb creams made in the US because their skincare benefits are pretty much nil and the coverage can be quite poor; with western BB creams, it's better to use a dense brush to give better coverage. then top it off with a sheer powder to set it.