Night Cream Suggestions... Please Help!!


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Jan 5, 2015

Jessica M.

Hello ladies!! I'm on the hunt for a new night cream. I have redness, a bit of acn? and want something that'll tone and firm my skin and help combat any signs of aging. my skin is combination oily. any suggestions are welcome!! thanks.

Jan 6, 2015

Shelley W.

Have you considered trying out a retinol? I'm currently using RoC Retinol Cream at night and I have oily/combo/aging skin. It has been very good to me so far...been using for two years so far. Once I turned 40...about to hit skin did a 180...fine lines and minor acne that wasn't hormonal. The retinol will firm up (helps with rebuilding collagen ) and help with decreasing acne.

Jan 6, 2015

Erika E.

This is my favorite

Jan 6, 2015

Erika E.

Combine with this 

Jan 6, 2015

Jessica M.

@shelley I had considered a retinol cream before but I'm a bit afraid of how my skin might react since it has a mind of its own. but I'll definitely have to check that out. and I must also say you don't look 40 girl!! you look like you're in your 30's!!

@erica thanks for the suggestions. I've heard a lot of positive reviews on philosophy creams.

Jan 6, 2015

Shelley W.

Thank you Jessica. I try girl. ;) The drugstore retinols actually contain the lowest amount of active retinol over the more pricier/prescription formulas. I've been given scripts for it but I'm holding on it till I reach the next milestone in age (my 50's) before going that route because my program thus far has been working out pretty well. The Tyrbo Booster C powder that Erika suggested is awesome and I actually use it myself. I mix it into my moisturizing spf for daytime.