Horrible skin after clarisonic?


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Jan 7, 2015

Allyson T.

I got my clarisonic Mia 2 on Christmas and have been using it ever since. My face is horrible. I'm getting super discouraged. It hasn't helped my acne or oily skin like I had heard so many people say. Should I keep using it? See a dermatologist?

Jan 7, 2015

Gisell G.

What face wash are you using with it? What's your routine?

Jan 7, 2015

Cara S.

It could be the purge period? Are you pressing to hard on your skin? Maybe use a non acne cleanser that's not as barks

Jan 7, 2015

Cara S.


Jan 7, 2015

Allyson T.

I usually use cetaphill or purity in the morning and at night I just recently started using a benzoyl peroxide clean and clear cleanser.

Jan 7, 2015

Gabriela S.

Benzoyl peroxide is a pretty harsh chemical.. It could be reacting poorly with your skin. But as Cara said, it could also be a purge period where your skin gets worse before it gets better

Jan 7, 2015

Cara S.

Use the cetaphill cleanser with the clarisonic and the clean and clear one regularly, with you hands

Jan 7, 2015

Allyson T.

Okay I will try that. I just wish cetaphill didn't smell so bad lol.

Jan 7, 2015

Courtney O.

Definitely could be purging all the dirt from your skin and causing you to break out. BUT most people use their clarisonic once or twice per day.. If you don't have super tough skin don't do that. Using your clarisonic about 3 or 4 times a week should be good. You don't want to over exfoliate your skin... This can cause your skin to be more prone to breakouts. I was using my clarisonic twice a day and couldn't understand why I kept breaking out.. I was really just overworking my skin. Hope that helped!

Jan 7, 2015

Courtney O.

Oh and make sure you cleanse the brush head with a gentle antibacterial soap every so often!

Jan 7, 2015

Winnie B.

I think that's your purging period bby! Clarisonic users need to use it longer than a few weeks to actually see thei wanted results :) All the dirt that you couldn't get out of your pores from washing with your hands are finally starting to come up to the surface. I would use a more gentle cleanser like these lovely ladies said, and press very lightly when using it. It's not an exfoliating system, it's a cleansing one:) also, if you still feel it's too rough, consider switching the head to the acne brush. It's softer than the delicate head because it's for treating the sensitive acne prone skin. Good luck!! Xoxoxo.

Jan 8, 2015

Allyson T.

Thank you everyone! My skin is not very sensitive so if changing my cleanser and trying to put as little pressure as possible doesn't work, I will reduce how often I use it. If it's in the purging stage, I really hope I get through it soon!

Jan 8, 2015

Courtney O.

And although it's cleansing and you can use exfoliating products as well.. It still does scrub the dead layer of skin and extra sebum off and in fact exfoliates the skin! ( I had no idea, I thought it was just cleansing my skin because it doesn't spin and isn't a rough brush) so be careful with using other exfoliating products and scrubbing your skin too much!

Jan 8, 2015

Winnie B.

They don't actually recommend you use physical exfoliating products or cleansers with exfoliation beads on the brushes, so if you do go this route please be careful! But yes it will just cleanse and your skin really well:) and I do definitely agree that you should reduce the amount of use as needed, as long as you don't stop using it ;)

Jan 8, 2015

Gabriela S.

CeraVe is a good alternative to Cetaphil!

Jan 8, 2015

Gabriela S.

And it doesn't smell as bad lol.

Jan 9, 2015

Kat H.

Do you have the "gentler" brush head? It sounds like you're irritating your skin. Try using the "gentler" brush and just a wash for your face, not a scrub.