My Face Is Breaking Out??


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Jan 8, 2015

Carol D.

I'm suffering from this problem for some time I dnt know what happened I'm breaking out on my cheecks and lower part..(I did laser treatment for my face before does it have anything to do with it) since I never suffered before from such thing what's this please help and how can I cure it my skin is not oilyyy
its normal

Jan 8, 2015

Ella M.

Wash your face in the morning When you wake up and at night before you go to bed. Apply moisturizer and a zit cream with benzoyl peroxide. Do a face mask once a week. I recommend the mask of maygminty (spelled wrong sorry) by lush to control break outs.

Jan 8, 2015

Meriam E.

Do everything Emma said! but also, I recommend Body Shop's tea tree oil facial wash its amazing for acne. and exfoliating is good too. Tons and Tons of water helps

Jan 8, 2015

Logan C.

I've heard that acne could be a possible side effect if laser treatments but I haven't had any experience with it

Jan 8, 2015

Gabi R.

I personally had the same problem for a while. And recommend the proactive face and body wash. It helped me so much. And I used the aveeno sensitive skin moisturizer

Jan 9, 2015

Maggie F.

OMG I had a laser treatment (fractional resurfacing) and it made me break out so bad. It seemed to have made it worse for months. I started using the Glamglow Tingling and Exfoliating mask this past week and my skin looks awesome. I'd even made a dermatologist appt beforehand. What kind of laser was it?

Jan 9, 2015

Carol D.

@ maggie its ipl