AHA in cleansers.


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Jan 6, 2015

Gisell G.

Definitely ask kitty

Jan 6, 2015

Winnie B.

I've read off of Paula's choice that a cleanser that contains an AHA isn't going to be as affective because it spends so little time on your face before you wash it off. It notes that masks or things that longer on the skin are the best if you use an AHA product. I would love to know what kitty says though!

Jan 6, 2015

Jack B.

I've seen Traci L say the same thing about AHA cleansers - that the active ingredient just goes down the drain.

Jan 6, 2015

Emily M.

Alpha Hydroxy Acids, as all these sexy ladies have said, is kind of pointless because it doesn't do much in the time allotted on your face. I like to think of AHA's as little Pac Men that eat away at your dead skin giving you (if I'm not mistaken?) a chemical exfoliation. I don't personally like my cleansers to have exfoliation in them because I'm more sensitive and don't want to strip my skin or exfoliate it too much (not like they would be doing much in the first place). I would say no bueno to that cleanser ;(

Jan 6, 2015

Emily M.

*kind of pointless in cleansers :)

Jan 6, 2015

Shelley W.

I have them in my stash and they definitely do not provide any life changing benefits but it is nice from time to time to pull one out for AM to use in shower. I have one that I love that is a cream base ( it does not suds up) and after I massage it around my face for about a minute or so I do notice my skin feels a tiny bit smoother. You're absolutely fine if you apply spf after using a AHA cleanser...I do it all the time. The warning is only there because unfortunately people misuse and abuse these products and its the manufacturers way of clearing them of any liability. If you still feel uncomfortable you can keep the cleanser for only night-time use.

Jan 6, 2015

Winnie B.

Def still wear sunscreen with any aha product! Light sensitivity will be there after the use of any aha product:)

And yes! An aha is a chemical exfoliant, but it works more to unglue the cell from the skin to wash off. The enzymatic exfoliants like pineapple and other fruit acids are the PAC man guys that digest the cells for exfoliation :)

Jan 6, 2015

Emily M.

Thank you Winnie!! :)

Jan 7, 2015

Traci L.

You can use peter Thomas roth glycolic wash followed by his peel pads a few times a week and this is why your going to tone your skin after even regular cleansers throw your ph off unless it's a ph balanced cleanser which most are not , and it's not completely useless exfoliating lightly daily is what promotes good skin health, so while it doesn't stay on your skin long it does still benefit your skin ,it's just not going to be as much, you need more than that and it needs to sit on your skin longer