Sunburn peeling!! Ahh


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Jan 4, 2015

Eilish M.

So a few days ago I asked for tips on how to make my sunburn less painful and not red! And they totally worked but now it's starting to peel and it's really bad so I was hoping if anyone had any tips or remedies to help the peeling because it's really yuck! ahahah thanks :)

Jan 4, 2015

Emma S.

The peeling means it is healing. But you can try aloe vera. That will help.

Jan 4, 2015

Shanae J.

I wouldn't use aloe vera. I know it's suggested by a lot and basically what aloe vera is for, but in a lot of cases, it only makes matters worse. I'd just leave it alone. If you can't leave it alone, try a moisturizing lotion with no scents or anything, just regular ol lotion.

Jan 4, 2015

Rebecca W.

I always use aloe Vera when I get sunburns and helps me so much it stops pain redness and peeling so that's what I would say:)

Jan 4, 2015

Kitty M.

Aloe Vera and also just stay really hydrated is the most important thing.