How do I get rid if my breakout fast??


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Jan 3, 2015

April G.

How can I treat this? I have sensitive skin, and I need something strong enough to get rid of this please help :(

Jan 3, 2015

April G.

Other side

Jan 3, 2015

Shanae J.

Tea tree oil.

Jan 3, 2015

Sarah L.

Try apple cider vinegar.

Jan 3, 2015

Ashley D.

Make sure you also have a constant skincare routine and that you are drinking plenty of water. As for a spot treatment I love Grease Lightning by Lush.

Jan 3, 2015

Jack B.

A gentle skincare refining that you follow every day is the best way to have clear skin - strong, harsh products might have temporary benefits but aren't good for skin in the long run. A derm/doctor can help you find the right routine and can prescribe more effective products than you'd find in the drugstore, but I understand if you can't afford that. A skincare regimen should have a gentle, skintype appropriate cleanser (look into cetaphil, it's pretty popular and affordable), a moisturizer (jojoba oil is noncomedogenic and highly moisturizing). Exfoliants help remove dead skin cells so skin is more radiant and clear. Since you have acne a chemical exfoliant would be better than a manual one (I use a manual one so I can't make a recommendation there). Toners are popular but optional. And a spot treatment can be applied overnight on acne only to help it go away faster, diluted tea tree oil is a popular one. Products that contain salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide are especially good for fighting acne. When developing a skincare routine you want to add products slowly, so if you have a bad reaction you know exactly what caused it. Drinking lots of water (at least 2L a day), avoiding dairy and soy products (lots of hormones, which can lead to breakouts), and wash your pillow, pillowcase, phone, hair, hats, all things that touch your face regularly. Avoid touching your face with your hands and picking at acne, which can spread bacteria around or cause scarring.

Jan 3, 2015

Gisell G.

I've heard wonders about the Paula's choice chemical exfoliant.

Jan 3, 2015

Sade H.

Drank water lots of it

Jan 3, 2015

April G.

Thank you guys!!