Knees are darker than actual skin tone.


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Jan 6, 2015

Alyssa B.

This is actually very common in overweight people (not saying you're overweight but if you are that could be a cause) it could also be a skin condition. I suggest seeing a doctor for thorough evaluation, maybe he could also prescribe something that can help lighten them(:

Jan 6, 2015

Kaleigh D.

Sometimes it can be because the skin is dry or unexfoliated. I would recommend a gentle exfoliator(I personally do not like rough ones, gentler ones do better for me) and Nivea lotion for dry skin. If this does not help, popping in to a dermatologist or a gp isnt a bad idea. They may recommend something:)

Jan 6, 2015

Alyssa B.

Alex, I'm actually going by FACTS. I'm not saying you have to be overweight to have dark knees and I didn't mean to offend you and I think it's a bit inappropriate to call me out when I'm trying to give some else advice..

Jan 6, 2015

Alyssa B.

someone else*

Jan 6, 2015

Kaleigh D.

I am using an Apricot & White Tea Face Scrub fron Bath and Body works at the moment. I find most body scrubs are too rough, even for my legs but this feels very light, smells great and is fairly inexpensive!

Jan 6, 2015

Bre H.

Alyssa thanks for the fact I actually didnt know that: )

and I agree with kaleigh exfoliate and moisturize

Jan 6, 2015

Kaleigh D.

I do! I use it on my face and what's left on my hands, I use all over my legs and knees.

Jan 7, 2015

Shanae J.

I agree with Alex. That was extremely inappropriate. My entire family is considered overweight, including myself and we don't have dark knees. I mean, yes, overweight people could have them, but it's also very common in all weights of people. Ugh.

Jan 7, 2015

Mya M.

Sun screen exfoliate moisturize(: if that doesn't work may want to ask a doc!.. And Alyssa I don't think you said anything wrong whenever ANYONE posts on here their opening themselves up to criticism if meant rudely or kindly. And ou were in no way rude you were just telling a fact and if she were to be overweight it may have helped a lot! So keep on being you not every comment needs a cherry topping!

Jan 7, 2015

Shanae J.

She gave false information Mya. That was the problem. Opinions are welcome, false information isn't.

Jan 7, 2015

Mya M.

Well Shanae she didn't say all overweight people get it. It could just be a side affect. So actually she really didn't. But I'm not debating over this its a thread asking a question people are answering with all different answers and not everyone's going to agree. Let Megan decide what answer she can use to her advantage to help herself(:

Jan 7, 2015

Shanae J.

You've already started debating, but it's false information no matter how you look at it. But you're right, we'll let Megan decide, she asked one question and got useful information as well as false information, her call really. (:

Jan 7, 2015

Mya M.

Whatever you would like to think dear (:

Jan 7, 2015

Shanae J.


Jan 7, 2015

Rose B.

Drink water,,and peeling the dead skin too.

Jan 8, 2015

Brianna M.

I wouldnt peel the skin exfoliating will do that and I'm not trying to say anyone was wrong or right or anything I just want to mention I'm 5" 1 and about 250lbs and my knees are just as pale as my entire body lol I have no idea what causes dark knees but I know some people do get dark knees and even dark elbows

Jan 10, 2015

Shelley W.

Without seeing a pic of you and the issue at hand its really difficult to assess and provide some information that would be beneficial. My knees and elbows are actually a little darker than the rest of my skin. Some of it is due to constantly sitting on my knees from gardening or working on my car and years of being a rough tomboy in my younger years. I have lightened it up to a point but it has reached its level of can do no more due to the fact that I'm a person with more melanin than someone who is fair skinned. What I do to maintain the results: I stay off my knees (or at least wear knee guards), I use a loofah every day on the affected areas sudsing it up with African Black soap, and I keep the skin well hydrated with moisturizers (dry skin emphasizes the darkness). The oatmeal mask is great for face but as far as the skin on your knees it won't do much to penetrate and be of much benefit since the skin on our knees is much thicker than the skin on our faces. To make the oatmeal mask just add one cup of oatmeal and plain yogurt into a blender with a few teaspoons of honey and get to the consistency to where its somewhat thick but not runny. Add yogurt to thin it out if its too thick. Transfer it into a sanitized glass jar with a lid so you can refrigerate it. After about 4 days you should toss and it make another if you haven't used it up yet. Leave it on the skin for about 10 to 15 minutes after you have exfoliated in the shower.