Here's a post EVERYONE needs to see!


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Jan 15, 2015

Nina H.

Thanks for posting this! Ladies, you have to realize that a scale is just an inanimate object. It only has meaning if you place meaning on it. Because it's really just a bunch of metal, plastic, etc... would you let a toaster, for example, define you as a person? Or let a hair dryer tell you how you should go about your day? No, of course not. A low number on a scale will NOT change low self esteem (this is psychological and requires a lot of conscious effort to make a difference in thinking), or fix your problems. Obviously this is easier said than done, and I know how hard it is because I used to struggle with anorexia.

Taylor- You seem young but you've got great insight. You're totally right, nobody is ever going to base whether or not you're a good friend, daughter, student, etc. on your weight. If they do, clearly you don't want them around anyway! Try not to compare yourself to others so much. You should only be concerned about whether or not you're happy and healthy. And for you to be happy and healthy, you have to do what's right for YOU, not anyone else. It's hard to realize when you're young, but it honestly doesn't matter what anyone else is doing.

Ellie- That is so sad that a person who should appreciate everything you have to offer belittled you like that. I think it's amazing and inspiring that you were able to get through that on your own. I'm glad that person is in the past now where they deserve to be!