Here's a post EVERYONE needs to see!


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Jan 12, 2015

Raylene I.

I saw this photo this morning on pinterest, and it applies to everyone, including me. Wether your number is too high or too low, we are perfect! You are beautiful and we need to stop comparing ourselves to the media and what the media says is beautiful. I have a husband who loves me and adores my body, I love what my body is capable of doing. I mean this body created and carried three beautiful babies and pushed them out into this world! My body is amazing and so is yours, we have to stop criticizing ourselves and everyone else. And accept us flaws and all. We need to fall inlove with ourselves. How can we expect other people to love us when we don't love ourselves? True love is when you see your imperfect self perfectly!

Jan 12, 2015

Ashli R.

I love this!! Thank you so much for sharing. It's wonderful

Jan 12, 2015

Bre H.

This always makes me smile whenever I see things like this.

Jan 12, 2015

CPT- Lili R.

This is really nice to put up raylene, but I still can't feel happy, I got 2 kids taken from me (I had them through c-section so I never pushed lol) but my tummy is all lose a month after I had my second child I burned my whole tummy with boiling hot water you as a mother know that a month after you had your baby your skin is very sensitive and thin so it was real bad, my tummy got blisters and peeled I think it was 2nd degree burn it was horrible I wish this on no one, till this day its still healing but it left nasty scars on top of my streach marks lies a white discolored skin with red patches, its disgusting if I rub on it a little it starts to burn, this has affected me a lot, how my man still has the courage to touch me I don't know, but i do feel blessed that the water landed on my tummy and not my face, i couldnt imagine how it would have been on the face

Jan 12, 2015

Alexis C.

I really appreciate you posting this, Raylene! This is something 13/14 year old me desperately needed to see and even still 21 year old me needs to see it too! Although my body will never be able to grow, carry, and deliver another life I am still essentially a medical miracle and I have to appreciate that and love myself rather than put myself down for the scars I have that symbolize my battle!

Jan 12, 2015

Raylene I.

Lilli- you know what, you are beautiful!! You have an amazingly bright personality and you always have the most positive things to say to everyone else. Sometimes we forget that those are the ones who need to hear those things in return. I am soo sorry about your burns! I can't even truly imagine the pain that you went through both physically and emotionally! But if it helps, I was in a car accident when I was 17, and broke my neck. My back is all scared up from going through the roof and I was in halo traction so I have two scars on my forehead and two behind my ears (resulting in small bald spots) and I was always soo self conscious of these scars! I wouldnt wear a bathing suit, abd I would cake the makeup on to cover my scars on my face. And now I have to go in for femur surgery on both legs throughout the next two years which will leave scars half way down my leg. I've accepted my old scars and stretchmarks, they tell an amazing story of my life! I'm not going to lie, I'm really scared to get two new scars and it will take a while for me to love them in this special way I love my old ones. But I will. And don't our husbands just amaze us?! When I'm at my lowest and hate my body I sit and wonder how on earth can he touch me without flinching.. But I honestly think he doesn't see my flaws doesn't see any imperfections all, but sees a perfect woman infront of him. Someone who is insecure, and occasionaly hates herself. And he just knows how to hold me, and caress me and somehow manages to help me see just how beautiful and how perfect I truly am! If your man can help you in the snallest way to appreciate everything you've been through you are truly blessed! And honestly you are a truly beautiful woman!! **love!**

Alexis- I know wjat you mean! I hated my scars everywhere I looked I saw some form of inperfection. All I saw were flaws! It took along time for me to appreciate my scars and grow to love them!

Jan 12, 2015

Jenny A.

Lili that is truly awful. I have really horrible scars from c-section and they are up much higher than normal because I'd had a previous abdominal surgery and they didn't want to cut through the old scar tissue. My son is almost 9 and they are still pretty ropey and bumpy. I use vitamin e cream but I have just accepted that my stomach will never be flat and smooth like it once was. Worth if for having the kid though. You are a lovely person inside and out. Sounds like your man thinks so too. Please don't forget it.

Jan 12, 2015

Marissa S.

Thank you for this <3

Jan 12, 2015

Raylene I.

No problem marissa, we all need to be reminded of this at times!

Jan 12, 2015

Ellie K.

Your scars remind you if what you've been through. I have a few self harm scars on my thighs, and it took a long time, but I'm learning to love them. They remind me of what a dark place I was in, and never to end up in that place again. So whenever I see them, they are a reminder to stay strong. All of you ladies are beautiful, no matter what <3.

Jan 13, 2015

CPT- Lili R.

Aw raylene thank you so so so much for sharing your story with me, that honestly put such a smile on my face not cuz you went through it but how u handled it and smile of it now and even love it I hope I get to be even a tad bit as strong as you and learn to be happy with it, you will be just fine with your new scares its going to take some time but its a very small step compared to what you been through 😊... Yes they do amaze us thats one thing I'm accepting now that my body is the way it is about how men think they just want one thing and forget about the rest if you know what I mean and im not minding that know 😉 lol... Thank you much you made my day and try to have in mind what you said from now on 😊 ***love***

Thank you jenny, those c section scars are wworth it for our kids there no doubt about that 😊, I've never been skiny mini so I wouldnt know about the flat tummy lol

Jan 13, 2015

Alsira G.

I love this so much!!

Jan 13, 2015

Shelley W.

I really needed this as the past few days I've been really upset with my body and the weird spots I've been gaining weight due to menapause. I cried when my youngest son squeezed my waist and said it looks like the top of a muffin. I'm having a hard time dealing with all the other side-effects of this craziness and some mornings I just wake up not feeling all the great about myself. Thank you for reminding me that my muffin top doesn't define me. ;)

Jan 13, 2015

Maria F.

I love it <3 thank you!

Jan 13, 2015

Raylene I.

Shelly! I'm like soo under weight and I still have a muffin top!! I honestly belive most girls do. I'm glad my post came at the perfect tome for you! This photo is so true, your weight doesn't define you one bit!

Lili- I'm soo glad my story helped you! Its hard. But when you have the support of others it helps, and its okay to have bad days where it hurts to look at ourselves, as long as its just that a bad day. Because its not a bad life ;)

maria - your welcome my love!

Jan 13, 2015

CPT- Lili R.

Thats so true raylene, thank you

Jan 13, 2015

Beth F.

This is so sweet, such a positive post. Thanks for this!

Jan 13, 2015

Raylene I.

Your welcome beth :) this site is all about building girls up :)

Jan 13, 2015

Rebecca S.

Raylene, thank you for sharing this with all of us! I love it! I've been on pain medication for the past year due to a compression fracture in my T8 vertebrae, and it's caused me to put on quite a bit of weight. Like 50 pounds in the past year. I'm fatter than I've ever been in my entire life, and it frustrates me that I can't wear any of my old clothes that I love so much. I've refused to buy new clothes because I keep telling myself, "Why buy clothes for a body that I don't plan on keeping?". I don't compare myself to supermodels, celebrities, or anyone else for that matter (wasted way too much time on that in high school), but I do compare the current me with the old one, and it can be incredibly disheartening. Thanks for the reminder that even though my outside has changed, I'm still the person I was once proud to be on the inside.

Jan 13, 2015

M G.

I'm at 150 lbs. I use to weight 115 4yrs ago, when I was in school. I have so many "problems" with my body especially my stomach bc of my babies. But I honestly feel more beautiful now thn when I was a stick. My body has been through so much that I don't regret. I try to take care of myself to not gain anymore weight lol but thts just not something I try to stress too much about. It important to be healthy but it took me foooorever to be content with what I have now, so if I'm healthy I'm good.

Jan 13, 2015

Raylene I.

I know what you mean maria about being tiny tiny then putting on weight. In school I was 105. Size 0, no hips no boobs no figure what's so ever. BUT I had the chubbiest cheeks for a skinny girl and I loved those! Then after I had my babies I loved my weight after. I was soo curvy and feminine feeling. I felt amazing. But no matter what I lost it all. I got weighed at my Ortho's office and I'm 117. I desperately want to be 138 (haha I know why the odd number) and jist about cried in the room haha. But even if I'm not as curvy as I wish to be (😔) I still love me, and ill continue to eat whatever I want lol.

Jan 13, 2015

Ellie K.

I lost a lot of weight due to a controlling ex partner who tried to control what I ate. I ended up developing a mild eating disorder, and I've only recently gotten to a healthy weight. I'm now a uk size 8, which I'm pretty comfortable with. I just wish I'd lost the weight in a healthier way. But whenever I get self-conscious, I remind myself of everything I've been through to get where I am now. It's been hard, but I'm finally starting to develop a healthier relationship with food <3.

Jan 13, 2015

Raylene I.

Ugh I'd die to be a size 8 😫 I'm a size 3. But I think I have a subconscious eating disorder since I've had my kids. My entire family is heavily obese. Which is fine, they are the kindest people around, but just not heathy, and to be honest, I was terrified to have kids and become heavy like them. I feel awful admitting that but it was true. So I think all those thoughts made me not eat. Even tbough I want to gain weight, I just can't eat. Its not that I don't want to. I just don't think about food. I've been getting really sick (tummy pains, nausea, sharp chest pains and head aches) so I figured I'd start keeping a food jounal... Well... That was a slap in the face. I take in beyween 500 and 800 calories a day 😦 but I try to eat and I just can't. I don't know what to do.

Jan 14, 2015

T D.

Thank you for this, so much. As I am still going through my teenage years, it's hard. My best friend is really petite and honestly I don't think she's over 70-80 lbs, and the rest of my friends are smaller than me. As I am size 0/00/000 or extra small, and I've been told that I'm super skinny and family joking that the reason I'm cold all the time is that I have no body fat, I still feel too big. The reason I think I weight how much I do and why all my friends are small compared to me is because I am pretty tall for my age, but not like a giant. I think we all needed this, and even though I know I'm three hours late on this talk 😜
It's not like our true friends and loved ones will pick us up and go, Taylor! Why are you 115 pounds! And know exactly our weight. Raylene, I don't have those same thoughts and I'm much younger, but I've had thoughts and every few months I'll become a loosing weight freak, and feel too big. Thank you so much for posting this,

Jan 15, 2015

Ellie K.

My ex would often try to pressure me into losing weight, and would make me feel like the smaller I was, the more attractive I was. I felt as though I didn't have value if I put weight on. I have a naturally small build, and even at my "heaviest" I was only a uk size 10/12. Now I don't worry about the scales and I'm learning to accept my body as it is, even though I'm slimmer now. The numbers on the scale don't define you! <3.