Why Can't You Use Acne Cleansers Near The Eye Area?


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Jan 11, 2015

Kat F.

Why can't you use acne cleansers near your eyes? I do to wash off my eye makeup.. I've always wondered why you aren't supposed to.

Jan 11, 2015

Bonnie R.

The active ingredients are way too harsh for the skin in the eye area, and it could be dangerous if you get them in your eyes.

Jan 11, 2015

Ariana G.

Like what Bonnie said. The ingredients are rlly harsh so if you use it on your delicate eye area it could really mess with the skin there and cause you to age there faster, cause dry skin there, etc.

Jan 11, 2015

Shelley W.

Absolute no-no. If it gets into your eye you could potentially cause damage resulting in painful visit to eye specialist to reverse the damage. I actually rubbed my AHA based cream cleanser in my eye during finals week last year...my eyes were bloodshot red and they hurt like hell for 4 days. And my eyes still aren't 100% because now they have a yellow tinge. Just get a eye makeup remover and save yourself (and eyes) the pain.

Jan 11, 2015

Albina g.

If anything else it's supposed to sting as hell... those cleansers usually have different mild acids and disinfectant ingredients that can dry the skin around the eyes and irritate it and couse pain and damage to the eyes themselves.

Jan 11, 2015

Bella L.

Because the film around your eyes are very thin and sensitive therefore harsh products will really irritate that area hope I could help :F

Jan 11, 2015

Bella L.

meant :D

Jan 11, 2015

Jack B.

If you don't want to splurge on another face product, literally any oil you have in your kitchen will take eye makeup off. It's better to use something like coconut oil or jojoba, which are less- and non-comedogenic, respectively, but if you don't have those any will do. Just make sure to rinse thoroughly, use only a tiny bit, use a cotton ball/swab/something to control where the oil goes and keep it out if your eyes, and if you wear contacts remove them first (oil + lenses is a blurry mess that takes forever to clear up).

Jan 13, 2015

Kathryn R.

The chemicals in the product have damaging long term effects on the delicate skin around your eyes. I've had two little procedures done to correct problems I had because I didn't use my products properly when I was younger. You might not see the problems right away but with continued use around the eye, problems are sure to arise.