Makeup- helpful tips please!


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Jan 11, 2015

Alexis M.

I know this looks awful but it's my first time using eyeshadow that wasn't a natural or pink color. The green didn't come out as vibrant as I wanted and I need to learn how to have a light hand with dark colors. But do you guys think the colors work well together? My face is kinda gross. I didn't wear foundation or anything on it. On the first eye I used my vice 3, lorac primer, too faced mascara and tarte liner, and the second one is the lorac pro, tarte liner lorac primer and benefit mascara (I'm not going anywhere btw. Just experimenting)

Jan 11, 2015

Alexis M.


Jan 11, 2015

Alexis M.

and the lorac

Jan 11, 2015

Jillian G.

Just get a brush and start blending at the crease to make it not as harsh

Jan 11, 2015

Sophie W.

It looks like there's an even darker shade in the crease? the colors do look nice together, but yeah just blend it waay more!

Jan 11, 2015

Jorie C.

I'd blend.

Jan 11, 2015

Being _.

Yep, blend it out and add a transition colour (for ex:light beige) under you eyebrows to make this"transaction" softer.

Jan 11, 2015

Jasmine N.

You can always use a white base all over your lid to brighten the green.

Jan 11, 2015

katie s.

I think the colors look fine together! ☺️ but I agree with the other ladies, blend blend blend!

Jan 12, 2015

kim N.

Agree with everyone. blending is the key so blend blend blend.