Features? Struggling with confidence..


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Jan 14, 2015

katie s.

I didn't know for sure which category this fell in, but I tried my best!

Anyways, lately I've been tearing myself apart. I really really like this guy, but he doesn't like me back (as I hear) were pretty good friends and all, but I keep comparing myself to other girls now. I want to be like them; I mean they are so pretty and popular. I'm kind of the outcast. I don't stand out that much. Everyone tells me I'm always happy and smiling and I'm a very bubbly person, but I just don't feel like I'm "pretty"

Now that you know a little about me, I was wondering if you guys could help me accentuate my good features. What kinds of overall things can I do to myself to make me feel more confident or look prettier. (Hair, makeup, outfits)?

Thank you so much ♥️ it honestly means a lot to me. I just really want to start feeling better about myself again soon and I'm hoping this beauty community can help me feel more confident. 😌

Here's a picture of me without makeup and my hair is a little oily right now so don't judge 😷...

Jan 14, 2015

Shanae J.

Girl, you are gorgeous! You don't need makeup or new clothes to feel pretty! But I understand what you mean.. just know that you're unbelievably gorgeous. You have to be yourself, these people who tell you that he doesn't like you could be lying, jealous! Your personality is everything. What you can do though, is highlight your features, YouTube is your best friend giiirl!

Jan 14, 2015

katie s.

Thank you so much Shane ♥️ that meant a lot. I just struggle a lot with confidence sometimes and I am trying really hard to bring/boost my confidence level up. I am definitely going to check out some YouTube videos!

Jan 14, 2015

Shanae J.

Apparently I missed a whole paragraph lol, sorry! You have so many amazing features! Your hair is gorgeous, your eyes, your smile, your brows look perfect, your bone structure is amazing. Simple baby steps first, mascara, maybe a little bush, lip color, you wanna start off slow and then make your way into the difficult stuff, like liner, contouring, etc.

Jan 14, 2015

katie s.

Okay! thank you so much! ♥️

Jan 14, 2015

Rachael M.

You are gorgeous , you need a bit of self belief and lipgloss and that's all a girl ever needs☺❤

Jan 14, 2015

Shanae J.

You're welcome hun. Always remember that you're beautiful even when you don't feel beautiful. Have more faith in yourself and no matter what people say, keep your head up. These people who tell you that he doesn't like you could have a crush on him and want him to notice them first! Best thing to do is ask him yourself!

Jan 14, 2015

katie s.

Haha thanks rachael! ♥️ and haha okay! I might do that! I've liked him for a long time. The only problem is that we're really really good friends and I don't want anything to change!

Jan 14, 2015

Shanae J.

A lot of people go through it, including myself, it changed but it eventually went back to normal, when he told me he didn't like me, my feelings honestly just disappeared into thin air, so I guess it was just a crush, it's normal!

Jan 14, 2015

katie s.

Haha thanks! yeah, I think I'll go for it and if he says no, he says no and maybe along the way I'll find someone better!

Jan 14, 2015

Shanae J.

There you go girlfriend!

Jan 14, 2015

Rissa G.

Honestly we can't tell you what to do to be more confident, you have to find that in yourself. I've always struggled with self-confidence and I still do, I personally find ridding all the negative people in my life and staying positive has helped me. Boys aren't the end of the world, they shouldn't make you feel like that, it's in your head. No one can tell you about yourself unless you let them. If you don't feel confident, it will show and people will take advantage of that. It's really something we all have to work towards.

Jan 14, 2015

Bailee H.

Renay is 100% right.

Jan 14, 2015

Rissa G.

You have to love yourself before anyone can ever love you, as cheesy as that sounds. Every one deals with low self esteem at some point, and how we overcome it is solely up to us.

Jan 14, 2015

Alejandra G.

You honestly don't need any make up your eyes are to die for and eyebrows I don't get it why this boy its not all over you, you seem like you have an amazing personality what's better than that💁 but yes I agree if you do want to start wearing make up start slow.

Jan 15, 2015

katie s.

Thank you Renay for your wonderful words of wisdom! ♥️ hopefully soon I can find my self-confidence.

Thanks Alejandra! You're to sweet 😘

Thanks Hailey! And no, I'm not allowed to put any color in my hair. It's 100% natural 😌

Listen you are beautiful, you don't need to change or put on makeup for any guy. The right guy will come along and love you for the "imperfections" you find In yourself. But first of all, you need to love yourself for who you are. You are a lovely girl and stick to who you really are.

Jan 15, 2015

katie s.

Thanks you so much Samantha. ♥️

Jan 15, 2015

Rissa G.

Good luck girl. :)

Jan 15, 2015

Emma S.

I feel ya. I have low confidence as well, so I understand what you are going thru. You are beautiful the way you are!

Jan 15, 2015

Jeremiah H.

Honey you're beautiful hand's down don't care what people think!!

Jan 15, 2015

Zoah O.

I know the feeling if this guy doesn't like you then its his fault he lost a great girl you're beautiful without makeup.

Jan 15, 2015

katie s.

Thanks Renay! ☺️

Emma, awh! I sure hope you can boost your confidence as well! And thank you!

Thanks you so much Jeremiah!

That means a lot Zoah ♥️

Jan 16, 2015

Marae M.

I think you are a beautiful girl and you have a lovely smile. You do you girl!