Hair is dry no matter what I do?!


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Jan 16, 2015

Jasi O.

No matter what I do; masks, hot oil treatments, leave in conditioners and leave in oils, home remedies ect.
My hair just seems really dry and at times frizzy.
What can I do?!

Jan 16, 2015

Emily W.

Have you processed your hair at all (color, bleach, perm, relaxer)? Do you use any kind of heat styling? Do you live in an arid environment? Do you wash your hair every day? What products are you using (shampoos, conditioners, masks, sprays, treatments, oils, whatever)? Have you seen a doctor recently for a checkup?

Many things can cause your hair to be dry, from harsh products, overuse of protein, vitamin deficiency, damage, etc. We can't offer advise without first figuring out what is actually wrong.

Jan 16, 2015

Shaye M.

Girl mine is too lmao, I'm forever finding moisturising treatments cause my hair hates our humidity, though recently because I've had a haircut I've been wondering whether my frizz comes from one of my two deficiencies so I'll be going to the dr do get a checkup haha.

However, if you're wanting to try something that might help you could look into the Edward Beale leave in argan oil treatment, I found mine in a chemist though I'm pretty sure they'd sell it at woolworths as well.

Jan 16, 2015

Jasi O.

Aww awesome, I've wanted to switch up my argan oil cause the one I use atm is a little heavy on my hair so I'll deffs give that one a try!
Ahh, doctors scare the shot out of me hahaha I haven't been in 7 years so I should probably go soon haha!

Jan 16, 2015

Kitty K.

Have you tested the Porosity of your hair?

How porous your hair is effects how much your hair absorbs oils and liquids. If your hair has low porosity it can become difficult for treatments to penetrate due to the fact that the cuticle is closed and will result with moisture being repelled. Build up on the hair from products can also be an issue because they can prevent products from coming through.

To figure out your hair's porisity:
1. Get a bowl with Room Temperature water.
2. Pluck a strand from your head. One from the back and front.
3. Place the strands in the bowl of water and wait 2 minutes.
4. If the strands sink quickly, you have high porosity. Newly bleached or chemically treated hair typically has high porosity.
If the strands do not sink, you have Low Porosity.
If the strands sink but still float, you have medium porosity.

If your hair has low porosity, deep conditioning using heat and installing moisture while the hair is wet is the most effective way to do treatments.
I have medium to low porosity, and I find that applying any treatment while my hair is wet and applying heat will be the most effective way to do treatments to my hair.
The way that I use heat to help open up my hair cuticle is by using the Hot Heads Deep Conditioning Cap.

Jan 17, 2015

Jasi O.

Okay thanks kitty, I just did it and both strands of my hair floated on the top of the water, so I will try and put my treatments on wet hair and then use a shower cap and heat and see if that helps at all, thankyou so much xo.

Jan 17, 2015

Vanessa G.

Sometimes too much is bad. Also try not washing your hair so often because your scalp produces natural oils to help moisturize and if you wash your hair every day or even every other day it might be taking away from what your scalp is providing therefore causing your hair to feel dry!