Bumps on forehead that itch when I take a shower.


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Jan 15, 2015

Lauren B.

What are these dang things? They won't go away. They don't have whiteheads or blackheads and they aren't red they just look like bumps that itch and won't go away! How can I get rid of these?

Jan 15, 2015

Camila S.

That sounds really odd. Unfortunately I don't really have any idea other than maybe put some creme on that will dry them out? Hope you'll get them away soon!

Jan 15, 2015

Nina H.

Hmm, is it possible that you're getting shampoo/conditioner residue on your face? Maybe you could try washing your face at the end of your shower with a cleanser, and then immediately moisturize once you get out to alleviate dry, itchy skin.

Jan 15, 2015

Alexis C.

I would highly suggest seeing a dermatologist, it could be a number of things and a dermatologist will be able to pinpoint exactly what it is and how to treat it.