Why was my post deleted?


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Jan 13, 2015

Gabriela L.

I made a post talking about my monthly favorites, I talked about all my favorites and why I like them and asked what yalls monthly favs were. I got a few responses it was a thoughtful and helpful thread and someone actually recommend a product for me to try and now I can't see it! I don't mean to whine but why was it deleted?

Jan 13, 2015

Gabriela L.

Beauty. I talked about my favorite make up and skin care. I assumed beauty would be the best fit. right?

Jan 13, 2015

Gabriela L.

Got'cha! wish they could have gave a fair warning /;
thank you jacqlyn!

Jan 13, 2015

Gabriela L.

Nope I hardly make post, I went to look for it under the "following" section and couldn't find it so I went through my email and saw it was deleted, but it's okay I was a bit frustrated because they usually warn people. I know for next time (:

Jan 13, 2015

Shanae J.

I made a post as well that I thought was in the wrong category, it was just nail polish, teeth stuff and lotion, I emailed Alicia (a team member) and she told me that it's considered a grey area and it could've either been in beauty or makeup..

Jan 13, 2015

Shanae J.

I was surprised when she said that cause usually it's a specific category and if it's not in that category, the post could be deleted or moved to the correct category, but I guess sometimes there's more than one it could be in. To be honest, I feel like it depends on the mood of whoever's decision it is. Another haul of mine was actually deleted when there was nothing wrong at all with it, it was in the correct category and everything, no foul language, nothing! But it was still deleted for some odd reason and I got an email with no explanation as into why it was deleted, but I wasn't really too upset, I guess they were making room for other posts and mine wasn't important enough or something, I don't know.

Jan 13, 2015

Shanae J.

Nah, I wasn't really worried about it. To be honest, I felt that it wasn't really important myself lol. I was just sharing some things that I got, just posting due to boredom, maybe they read my mind and knew that it was only out of boredom... o_O Lol, I need to go to bed, it's 3am here and I'm starting to get weird. I'm sorry your post was deleted, I'd email a moderator or Alicia, like I did, it took them about 2 days to reply, but I actually got an answer when I doubted I would. I feel like they should add explanations to the email, but then again, they're just doing their job the best that they can! Right?

Jan 13, 2015

Isabel M.

I once posted a thread (I don't know what it was about anymore) in the wring catagory and it gor deleted. I obviously didn't donit on purpose, but I still kinda felt bad ass hehe 😝😝 I literally sat on my bed like:

Jan 13, 2015

Isabel M.

Do it*

I haven't had coffe today si I am still sleeping. Which means that typing in a different language = mission impossible ;)

Jan 13, 2015

Isabel M.


Wow... That was just pathetic lol 😂😂