Confidence anyone? 😔


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Jan 10, 2015

Ruby F.

I've lost a lot of confidence due to bullying. Anyone have a way to build it back? Also here's a pic of me from a professional shoot I had done.

Jan 10, 2015

Kathryn R.

Bullies are people who are broken inside. They try to let their own hurt out by hurting other people. It has nothing whatsoever to do with you. They're just looking for a place to dump their pain. Do what you just did. Surround yourself with women who will support you. Know your self worth. See a counselor if need be, I've seen counsellors almost my whole adult life, I'm not ashamed of it, everyone on earth needs some help. Please just remember, the bullying is not about you! It's about them and their own problems. You are a beautiful girl and you need to love yourself and tap into your self worth.

Jan 10, 2015

Laura V.

I don't understand why beautiful girls like you have low self esteem. You need to hold your head up high. And show the world what your made of!

Jan 10, 2015

Erika S.

You have the power in your hands and your mind, don't let people hurt you. Love yourself, embrace who you are, like the other girl said surround yourself with people that love you. positive attracts positive.

Jan 10, 2015

Shanae J.

I was picked on in school too.. it got to the point where I honestly stopped paying attention and it stopped happening. You're freaking beautiful, don't let the people who are ugly on the inside make you think that you're ugly on the outside because that's no where near true, and like Kathryn said, they're broken and finding someone to take it out on because the person who damaged them is someone that they don't have the nerves to stand up to.

Jan 10, 2015

Lauren S.

I used to be bullied when I was in school too. The key is to believe in yourself and to have people who love you for who you are. You are a beautiful girl and there's nobody in this world who should treat you like that. Focus on who you truly are and what you love instead. Big hug to you! ❤️❤️❤️

Jan 10, 2015

Lauren S.

In fact, try writing all the positive affirmations about yourself and your life. It always helps me, and I hope this helps boost your confidence

Jan 10, 2015

Tessandra R.

I've been bullied most of my life Love, it's an awful feeling. But all of the girls are right, the bullies are just looking for someone to belittle to get their pain and insecurities out. Several of my used-to-be bullies have come to me recently and told me that they've always been be jealous of my "looks" "hair" "confidence". I promise you, they don't mean a word they say to you. Keep your head high, a smile on your face, and let them know that their words don't affect you. If you show them that you have confidence, that you don't care what they say or do and you're standing your ground, they'll stop and run from you faster than bugs out of a light lol. A woman with confidence is a force to be reckoned with :) LOVE your hair by the way! :) Xx

Jan 10, 2015

Jazzlyn W.

Darling, words cannot explain how beautiful you are! I can relate a lot to being bullied, I mean I'm still in 8th grade and I have delt with a lot of confidence breakers in my past. It is tough, don't get me wrong. Confidence is hard to get, but harder to keep. All I can say love is to remind your self that you are beautiful no matter what, and no one can tell you different. Bullies and haters are people who are broken down them self and they hate and feed on other peoples energy. Keep your head high love, in the end things will get better:)

"You can't live a positive life with a negative mind."
"They laughed because I was different, I laughed because they were all the same."

Jan 10, 2015

Samantha M.

Your gorgeous! Don't listen to anyone else! Love your lip colour on this! X

Jan 10, 2015

Shumi C.

Confidence comes from within. I think once you start loving yourself and being happy with how you are as a person, it makes you bulletproof and resilient to other people's nastiness. I agree with the comments about seeing a counsellor. As one myself, I have seen huge results and the benefits of just talking things through with someone. I also agree with the comments from the ladies about how beautiful you are. You need to remember that bullies are usually the ones with problems themselves so they target people just to make themselves feel in control and to feel good about themselves. It's not an attack on you personally so don't let that bring you down. :) x

Jan 10, 2015

Shirley S.

First off your beautiful, but even if you feel your not, This is not okay! this is not about you , this bully hates themselves for some reason and is taking it out on you. This might be hard to understand but be happy your not like them and that you are you!

Jan 10, 2015

Brittany M.

Either dress up and go out, that's how I gained mine. Or try a new style maybe even a haircut.

Jan 10, 2015

Brittany M.

You look gorg btw.

Jan 11, 2015

Emily M.

You are gorgeous! Your cheekbones are to die for holy.. Americas Next Top Model, hello!!
I was bullied my entire life. From family to classmates and even "friends". It is debilitating! People made fun of anything on my body. My hair was too dark, legs too long, boobs too small, eyes too big, clothes not good enough, like reading books (all real examples!). It destroyed my self esteem. I became extremely depressed and tried to confide in my "friends" who made fun of me. It made me get into a relationship I should not have been in. It was abusive and controlling and lasted 3 years. Looking back, it was all because of my confidence levels. Now, I would never let anyone treat me that way, but I couldn't stand up for myself because of all the bullying.
Basically, I was made fun of because I'm different. I didn't "follow the crowd". I have my own voice and so do you! A voice I would love to hear! Bullying is the hardest thing I've gone through in my life and it continues to happen everyday. It takes a long time to accept that people are going to be angry that you're different (because they don't have the confidence to face anything themselves, they haven't found their own voice and if they have, they're too scared to do anything with it. They're followers!). It took me almost 20 years to figure that out. I didn't go to school for probably 5 months collectively because of people. Teachers were even mean. Some even called me ugly and threw things at me! I even get internet hate! (Got some yesterday actually 😘)

Turn that negative energy into fire! Fuel yourself! I took all that and got my estheticians license. Makeup helped me through bullying, it made me feel better about myself, so I made my career about making other people feel good about themselves. Esthetician school was the worst bullying of all! But it motivated me. Don't be scared, even though it is scary! I SO believe that you'll make it. I am sending you so many good vibes! Fuck haters and their lumpy butts! They are full of scared, angry, jealous stink and they try to suck your confidence because they have none. Don't let them win! Let me know if you want to talk about anything! xoxoxo

Jan 11, 2015

Amalie E.

Confidence is about feeling pretty, but also much more. I know this is something everybody says you should do, but really; do it. Tell yourself your beautiful everytime you look in the mirror. Loud. And it feels strange, but eventually you will believe your own words. Don't be sloppy😚 And, make a plan. Set up a list you can look at when you need it. 1) Who loves you for who you are? Why do they love you? 2) who do you love, and for what? You don't love people for how they look, but for their amazing qualities. And you have a lot of them, just remember it, and remember that others love you for them.

Everybody is different. For me, the best thing to do was to not involve myself in situations where I knew there was a chance for me to get sad. I waited, until I was ready to face those moments. I stopped going out to party for a little while, because I often got comments about how I just looked like a barbie and probably was stupid, and a lot of other things. Now, I don't care. I know why people love me, I know that I am pretty to the people that matters in life, and I know my brain works😄☺️ But this is me, and I'm certain you will find your own way. And yes, a lot of bullies ends up as &@#%ups, I agree!

Jan 12, 2015

Kini A.

Top Model!! Keep your head up loveyour Simply Beautiful??

Ruby F.

Boise, Idaho United States 83646