Going to mall today.


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Jan 10, 2015

Laura Z.

I'm going to the mall today and I was wondering if Macy's and Sephora give out free samples so that way I can take the product home and try before I buy it.

Jan 10, 2015

Karen L.

If you ask for some yes, but try to buy other products in that trip cause they get annoyed if you just leave with free samples lol although they shouldn't really.

Jan 10, 2015

Lauren G.

Yep they do. And don't feel pressured to buy lol the point of samples is to SAMPLE something before buying.

Jan 10, 2015

Alice L.

I agree with Karen, I work in Sephora and there isn't nothing wrong with just taking samples but we do want you guys to buy something so we feel useful and if you take and leave us we feel annoyed and don't feel useful

Jan 10, 2015

Isabel M.

You could but I feel like it is kinda rude to nit buy anything but ask for samples. This might be me though haha! But you absolutely can if you want to.

Jan 10, 2015

Buttercup x.

I agree with Lauren. Of course it's better for the shop assistants if you buy something, but IMO it's not really a great solution to just buy something simply for the sake of buying.
So yeah I believe you could totally go in and ask for a few samples

Jan 10, 2015

Winnie B.

Yes definitely ask for samples! Their general rule is like three ish samples per client, but if they're assisting you and can genuinely feel like you're interested in the product, then they opt to give you more :)