Bigger Boobs Naturally?


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Jan 14, 2015

katie s.

I'm 13 and I have a flat chest. I used to be very conscious about it, but now I don't really matter. I read a quote or something one time that said something like this, "why do guys like boobs? it's just a ball of fat. if you can't like me for the fat on my stomach, why do you like me for the fat on my chest or on my butt" 😂 It's so true though. Girls with small boobs want bigger boobs and girls with big boobs want smaller boobs (a lot of the times)

Jan 15, 2015

Sadiya R.

I think a woman may not be valued for the size of their breasts, there are ao many other really important things in life, and your body is just what will help you to do all of them, and the size of your boobs won't help you to do it unless you consider that it must be evaluated and approved by the people around you. For the others it'll have the importance you give it :)

Jan 15, 2015

Erika K.

Just a question how do you do that effect with contour or bronzer to make your boobs look bigger? just like to try it and see if it works. I personally am not self concious, but would like to see if the bronze appeal thing works. anyone know what to do?

Jan 15, 2015

Marriyam E.

Idk if this is true but on ig it's says to make your boobs grow bigger you would have to eat flat seeds I don't know.