Not plucking your eyebrows- help please :(


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Jan 11, 2015

Alexis M.

So Since I have a disorder that makes my eyebrows fall out- they're finally growing back but they're growing a little higher than they should. Should I just wait until they grow back thicker to pluck them or just do it when it grows back. I'm not sure what to do!

Jan 11, 2015

Shaye M.

Wait for them to grow, my brows have gone through this stage too and I'm finally starting to have a brow shape lol but it's taken literally months of being patient (I used to shave mine off) so they grow back super sparse in some areas and my left brow grows higher then my right lol :(
They're getting there though, just give them a chance to grow a little and pluck hairs that're super stray from where you want them :)

Jan 11, 2015

Gabby M.

Definitely let them grow :) I've had to let mine grow out 2-3 times before, and waiting definitely gets you the best results! It might be a bit awkward for a month or two but when you do get them done they'll look really good! And them you can just keep the shape :)