HELP! Acne is out of CONTROL.


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Jan 11, 2015

Reese S.

Hello lovelies! This is a subject I've gotten touchy with and it's started in 7th grade I want to say. I have acne that I wouldn't like to say is too bad but has gotten so progressively worse over the years and it's currently at it's worst. Things to know about my skin:
-it's oily
-I have KP on my arms and chest
-I have acne in my back as well
-I am a habitual skin picker
-there's lots of scarring leftover from that 😞
And it honestly brings my sled esteem down so much between my insecurity about my body image and my skin it can bring me to tears! I don't know WHAT to do. I've visited a derm for my arms and she said for my acne as well I could use a glycerin wash but it did nothing. I've tried literally almost every wash and nothing helps. I'm not sure if my skin just looks bad because I pick it or if it's really actually bad but my mom said she would not want me to go on accutane because it's not cystic and the possible side affects do worry her. I just am out of ideas and hope. I watched a video by a dermatologist about how acne really is a sign that there's an internal imbalance and that acne treatments will not do much so it's best to not use them and to try and find out what your body is saying but I just don't know what is wrong! I wash it twice a day and moisturizer and exfoliate once a week. And I also use aloe Vera for scarring. Please help me I'm out of ideas thank you so so so much.

Jan 11, 2015

Kat F.

Try a toner or proactiv and change your acne products you use to a different brand once a month until you find something that works great because if you change them then your skin won't get used to the product

Jan 11, 2015

Alexis M.

Hi! I've struggled with acne so much and my face is super oily my makeup struggles to stay on. Lately I've been using a skin care routine that keeps my acne to a minimum- I just have the small bumps now that I've had forever. It seems like a lot but it works for me. I use the neutrogena grapefruit cleanser, saint Ives apricot scrub (blemish clearing) and they also make an oatmeal scrub/mask that's super gentle that leaves your face soft, and cetaphils moisturizer. This is what works for me and it could work for you too. Drink lots of water and try to cut out junk food too.

Jan 11, 2015

Reese S.

Thank you all so much!

Jan 11, 2015

Reese S.

No problem @jacqlyn I would prefer an over a I dance of information than no information at all 😂

Jan 11, 2015

Reese S.


Jan 11, 2015

Reese S.

Thank you! And @jacqlyn @Kat f I've heard some not good things about proactiv. Have you had any experience with it? Is it really a train wreck for your skin?

Jan 11, 2015

Reese S.

@jacqlyn thank you so much! I've read the ingredients and they just sounded harsh! I definitely will not be trying it! My friend has cystic acne and she uses it and her skin seems no better almost redder but I wasn't sure if it was just her skin.

Jan 11, 2015

Gisell G.

I would try seeing another dermatologist before losing hope there are many solutions out there girl & remember that acne is not part of you, it's on you if that makes sense? It doesn't define you& it's only temporary

Jan 11, 2015

Gabby M.

I agree with Gisell, try seeing another derm, some doctors I've seen do a horrible job and fixing my health problems, but then there's some I've been to that actually can help a lot! So it could definitely help out if you looked at some other derms :) and also I know people with acne and they're just as gorgeous& amazing to me and tons of people I know!! So just remember that people can see through imperfections, everyone has their own insecurities and it'll pass whether it'll take a couple of months or a year or two, but either way you're still human like anybody else :)

Jan 11, 2015

Prim R.

Do not use proactiv, that product is made so the more you use it, you're skin needs it. So if you stop using that, you'll face will break out even more than it does. Also pimples and acne can be caused by stress. So if you're stressed, you could break out a lot. Mans sometimes it's just hormones. I suggest not to use foundation because it makes it worse. And try not to pick at your face. Wash it everyday and keep your hands off your face. I hope this helps😉

Jan 11, 2015

Ariana G.

Please read this post! I think a huge misconception about acne is that if you keep putting products on and trying new things its going to get better. You just need timo pay attention to what your body is saying. You have it on your arms, back, face, and chest... Think about all the others things that go on your skin daily without you even noticing it. It could be your laundry detergent irritating your skin, dirty bed sheets, you can have sweat and dirt buildup... Try using a more skin friendly laundry detergent, keeping a clean enviroment, and taking a shower after every workout, and even take caution to the scratchy sweater you might wear during the winter. There must be something that is irritating your skin so much. You picking at your skin definetly isnt helping and could be what is making it worse. Your hands spread a lot of bacteria, dirt, and oil so be mindful of that whenever you go to touch your face. Popping a pimple causes the pimple to.become open, spreading the bacteria from inside your skin onto a larver skin surface, causing more pimples. Everytume you pick at your skin you're making it WORSE, please keep that in mind. Talk to to your parents, maybe they had bad acne as a teen as well, what you have could be genetic. It can also be hormonal, and if it is maybe you can talk to your doctor about birth control?
Stop trying new products all the time on your face, this will just make it worse. Just wash your face twice a day to get rid of bacteria (use this consistently without changing the cleanser). I suggest using the Cetaphil Daily Facial Cleanser. After you wash your face you do not hav to use a toner. If you don't have a toner that isnt mostly alcohol don't use it. Alcohol will just irritate your acne more. Make sure you always moisturize after you wash your face. I use the Daily Essential Jojoba and Aloe Vera moisturizer that I got feom Whole Foods. A moiaturizer like this is good bcuz it has natural and organic ingredients that won't irritate or mess with my skins natural state. I would honestly stay away from wearing face makeup, it is honestly just going to make it all worse and its not going to look good anyways bcuz if you have a bad skin day, you have a bad makeup day. Make sure you exfoliate about 3 times a week. I would actually suggest a chemical exfoliant for you rather than a physical exfoliant. Use a face mask once a week. I use Freeman face masks but I don't think it will do a great job at improving your skin so try a more high end face mask.
Don't use a body wash with a ton of chemicals and junk in it. Your hair prodcuts could be getting onto your skin and irritating it. Don't put any extra oil and stuff on your skin.

Jan 11, 2015

Reese S.

THANK YOU SO MUCH LADIES! 💕 this helps a ton! I do use cetaphil already actually as it is so gentle! We do use scented dryer sheets and detergent so that could be what's irritating my body! Thanks again!