Not Washing My Hair.


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Mar 6, 2015

Shanae J.

Dry shampoo, I recommend dove, aussie or batiste. I usually have a natural hair day on the first day, either straight or curly on the second day and an updo on the third, I usually just go three days but if I do a fourth, it's usually another updo.

Mar 6, 2015

Livi H.

Hi Justine. The reason why your hair gets oily is because you wash it everyday. I only wash my hair every two or three days depending if I wear hair products or not. I would just start by putting your hair up in a ponytail or in a bun and work your way there. Some people put baby powder to absorb the oil but I have never done that yet lol. Your scalp will adjust and produce less oil the more you wait between washing.

Mar 6, 2015

Mary P.

Dry shampoo and baby powder are a godsend.

Mar 6, 2015

Shanae J.

Also, the days that you do decide to wash your hair, slap a hair mask on your hair at least an hour before you shower and that'll help strengthen up your hair a bit.

Mar 6, 2015

J L.

Dry shampoo! I love the batisse one and the Tresemme dry shamppo. What I do is wash my hair style it, next day keep the same style, next day do a braid and if I go one more day then I put it in a bun or ponytail (:

Mar 6, 2015

J L.

You kind of have to train your hair. The more you go with out washing it the less oily it will be over time (:

Mar 6, 2015

J L.

batiste*** -.-

Mar 6, 2015

Shanae J.

What exactly have you heard Cocoa? I've never heard any bad things except people's personal opinions on them.

Mar 6, 2015

Christin B.

It definitely takes time, but you have to stay committed! You can do it girl.

Mar 6, 2015

Jack B.

Generally if you keep your hair natural it won't get as greasy as if it's straightened - just harder for the grease to travel down the hair. However, lots of dry shampoos can show up white or grayish and need to be brushed out, which depending on how curly your hair is might not be possible. Definitely avoid baby powder if you can't brush it out!

Mar 6, 2015

Fae G.

I agree with everyone else, dry shampoo and hair masks! Hair masks will be your best friend lol I put one in every time I shower and leave it for like an hour and they're amazing!

Mar 7, 2015

Alexandra C.

I have thick curly hair too! I wash my hair 2 times a week mainly cuz I don't wanna dry my hair out. dry shampoo will we your best friend one by tresemme and bastite I love. I use to wash my hair everyday and I am glad I broke out of the habit. your hair will get use to it at some point. getting your hair up and out of your face will help.