How do you use your RCMA no color powder?


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Mar 10, 2015

Jenny A.

I just got my 3 oz order of RCMA no color powder. The package is huge. It's pretty much a large size spice bottle. Very no frills packaging. I plan to put mine the powder sifter from my old powder because the RCMA bottle is just too big, I think. And the holes in the top of the lid are so huge it would just dump out everywhere and make a mess.

Currently I'm using my wayne goss face brush to swirl in the powder and lightly brushing it in my t-zone and setting my undereye with it. The goss brush is soft enough that it won't displace foundation underneath.

Just wondering what everyone else does with their No color powder. Do you dump it out of the jar onto a powder puff? Put it another container?

Mar 10, 2015

Monica K.

I use the Wayne Goss #2 brush. And - while the bottle is closed - shake twice. that will give me enough for my face. I use the lid to get any excess off. Hope that helps :)

Mar 10, 2015

Jenny A.

Monica: I have the Goss #13 brush which is too fat to fit in the container without splaying bristles. Now I see why I need a #2 brush!

Sandra: Aha! I see how that could work. I think the lid is wide enough to fit my brush in without damaging it.

I felt silly asking such a basic question, but this morning I was groggy (stupid time change) and I had no idea how to go about using the powder and didn't want to risk making a mess or hurting my brush. I knew you all would have the answer. Thanks!

Mar 10, 2015

Nicole A.

I thought the same thing at 1st to what I figured out is I saved an empty Mufe pressed powder container and I just sprinkle a little in there, any empty compact will work (:

Mar 11, 2015

Tina K.

I'm so glad you asked this question, because mine was delivered today and I'm planning on trying it tomorrow!