skin SOS!??


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Feb 18, 2015

Puck B.

Hi! I've already posted more things about my skin but I'm soooooo tired of it being the way it is... If anyone knows what I have and if anyone knows anything against it or if anyone has any recommendations/tips, I'd love to hear from you! I think I have sensitive skin and I have a skincare routine but I feel like I should probably change it because it is not working too much...

Feb 18, 2015

Puck B.

Feb 18, 2015

Puck B.


Feb 18, 2015

Puck B.


Feb 18, 2015

Puck B.


Feb 18, 2015

Mabelle B.

Honestly, visiting a dermatologist would help you so much! My good friend had really bad acne and she visited a derm. The doctor recommended her some basic medication and creams and all and now her skin is perfectly normal :)

But till then, use a face wash with Salicylic Acid (I use the Neutrogena one). Apply diluted tea tree oil on the red spots/pimples.

But I really think that you should visit a dermatologist. It would help! x

Feb 18, 2015

Ms L.

I agree with Mabelle. You should see a dermatologist. I had really bad acne for a while and I finally went to see a derm and she prescribed me some topical medicine and honestly my face is like 85-90% better. I hardly get any breakouts!

Feb 18, 2015

Gisell G.

I agree with the ladies sweetie

Feb 18, 2015

Sarah L.

I would go to the dermatologist. In the meantime maybe use cetaphil it definitely helped me.

Feb 18, 2015

Puck B.

Thanks Mabelle, Ms L, Gisell and Sarah :))

Feb 18, 2015

Kay C.

I had bad acne for a while I used everything you can think of my doctor (not derm) prescribed things and nothing except retin a it did help but I didn't give it enough time. In November I bought Peter Thomas Roth glycolic wash and OMG it's great it has help control my acne and also faded a little my acne scars too.

Feb 19, 2015

Ti H.

You might want to try the aveeno line...the skin calming one...until you see derm.

Feb 19, 2015

Traci L.

You really should try and see a dermatologist , you have inflammatory acne and you may have a slight case of rosacea looking at your cheeks, it's best to try and get some professional advice and take it from there.