Help Please Suggestion


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Feb 16, 2015

Carol D.

Its my first day @ work how my makeup should be.??. and other thing I work 6 days per week and I dnt have time to visit my dermatologist since my off is on sunday what do you think can I Leave work early first week of my work like 3 hour earlier only on one day ofcurse.. I work 9 hours per day please help me :(??

Feb 16, 2015

Honey E.

You would have to ask your boss about taking a few hours off and explain why you need off. As for makeup, where do you work? :)

Feb 16, 2015

Pamela F.

I don't think asking to leave work early in your first week is a very good impression. also, what is your new job? just to give us an idea of what makeup is appropriate.

Feb 16, 2015

Ariana G.

I would hold off on asking for extra houra away for a couple weeks.

Feb 16, 2015

Kitty K.

I would totally keep it simple! A beige shadow, a light contour color in the crease and a subtle highlight. I'd tight line my eyes and put white/nude on the bottom water line. A nice subtle rose lippie would be cute.
You should ask if you could adjust your schedule, like maybe work 3 hours extra the day before you're appointment, or come in 3 hours early so it doesn't look bad!

Feb 16, 2015

Les N.

What is your job?

Feb 16, 2015

Hannah K.

Definitely wait a few weeks, I started my job a month ago and I haven't asked for any time off yet.

I work in a nursery and I wear mascara and I lightly fill my brows. No one is really looking at you whilst you're working, just make sure you look presentable