Help! Blonde Hair is Green.


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Feb 18, 2015

Missy T.

Hi there,
So my problem is not being able to get the green out of my hair. I have tried so many things!

First of all, I had belayage done, which was lovely. I further has purple fudge over the ends, that faded in a week. At the end of that week the purple turned green after being in the pool.

A week later I had a full head of very fine foils done, used a red toner to counteracts the green and actually ended up with a slight strawberry blonde at the ends which I loved! The next time I washed my hair it was back to green. I used a light pink manic panic pastel colour of the green ends and turned in pink which was perfect :) and I was happy. However the next wash, turned it green again. I tried tomato sauce and that worked until I washed my normally again and it is back to green. I heard it could be something to do with the pipes in my shower?? (Not sure how true that is). I naturally have brown hair, and has taken a while to get this light which is great, and my hair is still in great condition also as I use coconut oil. I was curious as to what colour I could dye over the whole to counteract the green, I am assuming something which a reddish tinge through it? I want to keep it as light as possible, something more blonde that brown so to speak.

Please help me! xx

Feb 18, 2015

Brianna M.

Have you tried bleaching it with maybe a 10vol developer? I'm not sure how well that will work but you could try vol 10 won't cause too much damage and you could just do a strand test to see if it works before doing all the parts.

Feb 18, 2015

Breeze T.

I'm not much help I suppose, but I used to have green hair and after it faded completely there was still a small area in the front where it stayed green. I tried toning it with pink veggie dye but like on you it washed off. I'm finally at the point where it's not visible anymore because I used an auburn box dye. If it stays light, though, it probably will show more.
I'm not sure if what I did applies to your case since I dyed my hair green and yours is from the pool.
Chamomile tea is known for its lightening properties, maybe washing your hair with it could fade the green out.

I hope someone else answers so you can get a better answer:)

Feb 18, 2015

Breeze T.

Sorry Brianna, you posted while I was writing and I didn't see your comment. That sounds like a good idea too!

Feb 18, 2015

Christina M.

I would say to try a soap cap to lift it. Stylist normally use it to lift reds or yellow tones.. Use a rich red conditioner and 20 volume developer... If that doesn't work. use a red permanent color. since the temporary colors won't work..

The problem is that whatever color you used before had a green undertone which must have penetrated to the core layer of your hair. A temp color only sits on top of the hair shaft, which is why it washes off so easy. You need a permanent color/ or a good developer to go into the hair and cancel the color. Hope I helped. :)

Feb 18, 2015

Christina M.

Not rich red conditioner I meant shampoo.

Feb 18, 2015

Sabrina K.

This is going to sound so ridiculous, but I swear it helped me when my blond hair turned green after stripping purple out of it! What I did was I put ketchup all over the hair and lots of it! wrapped it in a plastic bag, then a towel, and let it sit for hours! I had to repeat 3 times I believe, but mine was pretty green! There's something in the redness of the ketchup that takes out the green (you know like a green concealer takes out the redness of skin)
It doesn't smell very nice but it works at it doesn't damage your hair!

Feb 20, 2015

Gina L.

You need a clarifying shampoo!

Feb 20, 2015

Gina L.

Paul mitchell one works amazing for that